  • 學位論文


Narratological Studies of a Balzacian Novel The Old Goriot

指導教授 : 鄭安群


巴爾札克(Honoré de Balzac,1799-1850)是一位對法國文學界有重要影響力的作家。《高老頭》(Le Père Goriot),為其代表作,創作於一八三四年至一八三五年間。作者於首頁說明這部作品是為獻給法國的生物學家聖希爾(Étienne Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire,1772-1844)。 巴氏受科學創作的影響,強調人物與居住環境的關係,並提出「環境理論」(la théorie du milieu)。小說中經由對於伏蓋公寓裡的房客,與巴黎的細膩描寫反映出作家的豐富想像力與獨特觀察力。高里奧的父愛為小說的主軸,經由父愛悲劇的呈現,反映作者對於人們過度重視金錢與享樂的擔憂。作者對於親情的討論是一個具有普遍及永恒性,是一本值得一再閱讀的作品。高里奧對於女兒們錯誤的養育方式使他走進父愛的誤區,他的悲劇發人省思,也讓我們重新思考父女親情對維護社會和諧的重要性。 本論文中透過敘述學的形式分析,對於文本中的敘述者特色、作者闖入、敘述時間、空間結構等要素進行分析,試著看見巴氏獨特的寫作藝術與小說中許多仍未被讀者釐清的種種問題。未來我們希望能透過這本論文,能讓更多台灣的讀者認識法國文學,且進而使得台灣文學更多元化發展。


Honore de Balzac is an important writer of French literature. The Old Goriot is his representative work, which he composed it between 1834 and 1835. The fiction was written to donate respectfully for a French biologist Saint-Hilaire. Balzac was influenced by his scientifique theories,therefore,he emphasize the relationship between people and environment.He bring up“environment theory”in his novel. In the novel, we can see Balzac’s imaginative faculty and unique observation by the description of guests in hotel and in Paris. Paternal love is the axle of the plot. Through the representation of tragedy of paternal love reflect the author’s worries of people over value the importance of money and pleasure in the periode. Parent’s relationship is an universal and eternal issue, so this is a book valuable to be read and reread. The wrong way to nurture his daughter make him into the wrong place of paternal love. His tragedy is meaningful, and let us reconsider the importance of parent’s relationship to keep society’s harmony. The dissertation was exactly analyzed by the narrative structure: the focalisation, the personnage, the duration, the mode, etc.


鄭安群,〈福樓拜小說〈赫魯特亞王后〉的結構和意義〉,《中外文學》,第 33卷,第12期,2005年5月,頁 8-27
陳維玲,〈巴爾札克筆下追求完美藝術家之宿命〉,《中外文學》,台大外文系第31卷,第2期2002年7月,頁 152-171。
陳維玲,〈巴爾札克筆下偷情女子-茱莉.艾格蒙侯爵夫人之翻案定位〉,《中外文學》,2001年1月,頁 226-251。


