  • 學位論文


An assessment of the impacts of industrial restructuring on the servitization of manufacturing industries on Taiwan's economic growth

指導教授 : 蔡政言


台灣的產業結構儼然已從目前的製造經濟轉型成服務經濟,製造業的成長對台灣整體經濟扮演著關鍵角色,近年來,製造業及服務業兩大部門之邊界愈來愈模糊,彼此亦成為對方的加值及成長的來源,如製造業服務化、服務業結合製造業加值等。台灣自2002年起,政府開始鼓勵藉由提高自身產品的附加價值(即製造業服務化)以達到企業轉型的目的,為檢視政策是否正確,本文針對國內產業結構變動所肇致的經濟效果以因素解析法進行研究,以及總體因素觀察探討產業結構轉變對經濟成長之影響。 研究結果顯示,過去三十一年來整體產業的結構調整對經濟成長有正面效益;就業效果方面,產業結構調整雖不利於就業人數的增加,主要負面影響來自產業內勞動生產力提高。就產出成長之觀點而言,產業發展製造業服務化之推動確實提高我國經濟成長之動能。 就全部期間而言,我國產業結構朝有利經濟成長的方向變動,隨著貿易越趨自由化以及產業融合所生之製造業服務化的推動,我國經濟確實有了進一步的成長。


From 2002, Taiwan’s government start to courage firms to consider including service as a value-added activity to restructure. This recent movement is usually called servitization in the literature. To understand the contents of Taiwan’s industrial restructuring in the last three decades and its impacts, this paper applies the approach of factor decomposition to investigate whether the industrial structural change has facilitated growth of output. The empirical results show that the overall industrial structural adjustment had added momentum to the economy, but industrial structural adjustment decelerated employment growth. The slowdown of employment growth was mainly caused by the improvement of labor productivity. Therefore, Structural adjustment held up the expansion of output and improved Taiwan’s economics situation.


servitization restructuring economic growth


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