  • 學位論文


Investigating the Impacts of Flipped Classroom on College Students' Learning Strategies

指導教授 : 蔡秉燁


本研究旨在探討翻轉課堂教學對大學生在學習策略運用上的影響、大學生對翻轉課堂教學的看法,及教師對翻轉課堂教學的實施經驗。以「班級經營」課程30名學生為研究對象,採用單組前後測實驗設計,進行傳統教學8週與翻轉課堂教學8週,共32小時的教學實驗,並以「大學生學習與讀書策略量表」、「大學生對於翻轉課堂教學的看法與學習策略運用情形訪談大綱」及「教師對於翻轉課堂教學之實施經驗訪談大綱」為研究工具,運用描述性統計、t檢定、二因子變異數分析進行統計資料分析。研究結果顯示: 壹、比較大學生在接受傳統教學與翻轉課堂教學後,其學習策略的差異情形 一、傳統教學與翻轉課堂教學之學習策略差異檢定:學生所運用的學習策略在總量表與分量表的表現,均未達顯著差異。 二、個人背景變項與教學方法在學習策略之交互作用分析: 1. 性別與教學法在學習策略之交互作用均未達顯著水準,性別變項在「態度」、「動機」、「時間管理」、「選擇要點」、「自我測驗」、「解決學習困難策略」等面向達顯著水準,經事後比較主要效果,在「態度」、「動機」、「時間管理」、「選擇要點」、「自我測驗」、「解決學習困難策略」等面向以女生的邊緣平均數顯著高於男生。 2. 年級與教學法在學習策略之交互作用均未達顯著水準,年級變項在「態度」、「時間管理」、「考試策略」等面向達顯著水準,經事後比較主要效果,在「時間管理」面向低年級的邊緣平均數顯著高於高年級。 3. 學院別與教學法在學習策略之交互作用均未達顯著水準,學院別變項、教學法在學習策略亦未達顯著水準。 三、多數學生在傳統教學與翻轉課堂教學階段,所使用的學習策略並未有很大差異,在訪談中明確提到在「態度」、「動機」、「時間管理」、「學習輔助術」、「考試策略」等五個面向的學習策略運用情形差異不大,經本研究進一步以量表的十一個面向對其訪談,學生仍分別出在翻轉教學前後學習策略的差異,表示在「態度」、「動機」、「時間管理」、「專心」、「訊息處理」、「選擇要點」、「自我測驗」及「解決學習困難的策略」八個面向是比傳統教學階段時好。 四、對學生改變或影響最大的學習策略為「態度」、「訊息處理」、「專心」、「時間管理」及「焦慮」等五個面向,及改變影響學生課堂發言與思考的能力。 貳、探究大學生對翻轉課堂教學的看法 一、學生認為翻轉課堂教學較能讓學生主動學習,促進思考與組織,建構想法,掌握問題並獲得更多問題解決方法。 二、學生比較喜歡以翻轉課堂教學的方式上課,認為翻轉課堂教學好玩有趣,增加了學習過程中與教師、同儕的互動,教師給予的回饋也較傳統教學時多。 三、翻轉課堂教學實施初期,學生在課堂發言的部分略顯焦慮,在教師引導與習慣教學方法後,學生焦慮感降低,參與度提高。 參、探究教師對翻轉課堂教學的實施經驗 一、教師認為翻轉課堂教學是將上課的要素做不同的安排,是模式的改變,並非方法上的大變革。 二、教師發現實施翻轉課堂教學,有相當比例的同學學習態度不積極。 三、教師認為可採用小組討論讓學生充分參與,以解決不敢公開發言、被動不參與討論,及課堂時間不足的問題。 四、教師認為在實施之前先告知學生學習讀書的策略與方法,並將心智圖納入為學生課前必須閱讀的一部份,讓學生可以提綱挈領了解架構概念。 五、教師認為可設計期末的後設認知學習問卷,引導學生回顧學習歷程。


翻轉課堂 學習策略


The purpose of this research was to investigate the impacts of Flipped Classroom on college students’ learning strategies, students’ perspectives, and teacher’s experience. A total of 30 students taking “Class Management” participated in this study for 16 weeks experiment including 8 weeks of Traditional Lecture and 8 weeks of Flipped Classroom activity. One-Group Pretest-Posttest Design used in this study with Study Strategies Inventory(LASSI)as research tools. The collected data analyzed using descriptive statistics, t-test, and two-way ANOVA. The results are as follow: 1. Comparing students’ learning strategies after Traditional Lecture and Flipped Classroom activities 1.1. Traditional Lecture and Flipped Classroom correlated positively, however, the usage of learning strategies is not significant. 1.2. The interaction analysis for learning strategies between background variables and instruction methodologies 1.2.1. The statistical results show no significance for learning strategies on Interaction-Analysis between Gender and Instruction Methodologies. However, the statistical results of Gender show significant differences in Attitude, Motivation, Time Management, Selecting Main Ideas, Self Testing, and Strategies to Resolve Learning Difficulties. The results of post-hoc analysis indicated that mean from Female is higher that Male. 1.2.2. The statistical results of Grade show no significance for learning strategies. However, the statistical results of Grade show significant differences in Attitudes, Time Management, and Test Strategies. The result of post-hoc analysis indicated that mean from junior students are higher than senior students. 1.2.3. The statistical results show no significance for learning strategies between College and Instruction Methodologies. 1.3. There is no significant difference in learning strategy between Traditional Lecture section and Flipped Classroom section. Though the analysis of interview data showed that there are few differences in Attitude, Motivation, Time Management, Study Aid and Test Strategy, there are significant differences in Concentrate, Information Processing, Selecting Main Ideas, Self Testing, and Strategies to Resolve Learning Difficulties. 1.4. Variables, including Attitude, Information Processing, Concentration, Time Management, and Anxiety, have significant impact on students’ learning strategies, asking questions in classroom, and thinking skills. 2. Students’ view of Flipped Classroom 2.1. Flipped Classroom promoted students’ active learning, thinking, knowledge construction, and ability of problem solving. 2.2. Students preferred Flipped Classroom part of the experiment. There are more interesting, more interaction between teacher and students, and more responses from teacher to students than Traditional Lecture. 2.3. Students showed anxiety toward in-class discuss at the beginning of experiments. However, with teacher’s guidance, students get used to Flipped Classroom and showed low anxiety with high willing to participate in-class activity. 3. Teacher’s empirical experience 3.1. Flipped Classroom restructured Traditional Lecture in classroom, and is not a teaching innovation. 3.2. There are a considerable proportion of students with low motivation during Flipped Classroom section. 3.3. There are considerable proportions of students show negative attitudes to Flipped Classroom learning activities. 3.4. Group Discussion is an option to improve students’ participant-attitude and learning motivation, to encourage students to speak in public, and to make the best use of in-class learning time. 3.5. It is helpful for students to master the main ideas of this class if they know the proper learning strategies with mind mapping information to this class before the Flipped Classroom section. 3.6. The metacognitive learning strategy questionnaire at the end of the semester if helpful for students to review their own learning processes.




