  • 學位論文


Research on the Education Policy Fund of the MOE Emergency Funding Direction

指導教授 : 吳清基


學產基金起源於清朝時代地方熱心教育人士獻田興學,初為儒學書院財產,嗣於 1998年移轉登記為國有,並依國有財產法使用、收益、保管及處分,主要用途為照顧弱勢學子,以達成「興學、助學」為目的。歷年辦理低收入戶學生助學金、急難慰問金、高中以上學校工讀服務、輔導高關懷學生、培訓特殊專長弱勢學生、高中學校學生工讀獎助金、高中以上學校清寒僑生助學金、協助莫拉克風災受災學生安心就學、補助私立大學(專)工讀助學金、補助國民中小學弱勢學生代收代辦費等多項計畫運用學產基金支應經費。 本研究旨在探討教育部學產基金設置急難慰問金政策之宗旨目的,補助措施之實際效益,透過了解學產基金起源脈絡、具體內涵及其所帶給教育目的,藉由文獻分析、文件分析學產基金及其設置急難慰問金法規、補助措施,輔以相關新聞報導,並以立意取樣質性訪談等方式,了解現行補助計畫執行現況及成效,歸納可行之改善方式,作為提供補助措施改善建議之基礎。 本研究以6位學者專家、2位非營利組織人員、29位教育行政相關人員進行訪談,並將所蒐集資料進行統整分析。研究發現教育政策能否達成目標應善於其「政策面、法規面、執行面」之規劃,才能有效推動與落實,因此歸納出本研究主要結論如下: 一、當前急難救助制度廣,過於分歧複雜,亟需整合。 二、教育部學產基金設置急難慰問金應更明確定義發放用途。 三、學產基金設置急難慰問金補助辦法尚屬妥適,但可按實際情況增加補助金額,或把金額再做分配調整。 四、急難慰問金發放宜結合學生教育發展情形,作教育長期性的補助,以延續其就學需要。 五、急難慰問金的補助對象,大體上應屬合適。 六、急難救助制度之送件、審核應建立一致性標準化作業程序。 七、急難慰問金發放應建立後續完善追蹤輔導機制。 八、急難慰問金發放政策執行,有依實際需要作進一步修定之必要。


Ministry of Education (MOE) Education Property Foundation can be traced back to Qing Dynasty, which was donated by those who were enthusiastic about education. At the beginning, the property belongs to Confucian Academy. From 1998, it had been nationalized and prevailed among utilization, revenue, management and disposition according to National Property Act. For going concern, it is partly subsidized to financially disadvantaged students by several plans, such as Implementation Directions Regarding MOE Education Property Foundation Grants for Low-income Family Students, MOE Emergency Funding Directions, Implementation Directions Governing MOE Education Property Foundation Subsidies for Senior Secondary Schools, Colleges and Universities to Arrange Part-time Community Work for Students, MOE Education Property Foundation Subsidy Directions for Private Sectors Regarding At-risk-students and Financially Challenged Students with Special Talents, and so on. This research aims to discuss the objective and execution benefit of MOE Emergency Funding Directions. Besides, it focuses on how to achieve educational purposes by clarifying the origin and content of MOE Education Property Foundation. It attempts to figure out current effectiveness of subsidies by means of literature review of relative regulations, measures and news. Upon proper survey and interview, it provides some suggestions and feasible schemes toward MOE Emergency Funding Directions. According to the interview of 6 experts, 2 non-profit organization staff and 29 education administration staff, the study finds that whether the education policy works or not is determined by how to plan it toward policy, regulation and execution aspects. Consequently, the conclusions are gathered and analyzed as follows: 1) The emergency aid system extremely needs to be integrated due to disagreement and complexity. 2) It should be defined clearly concerning funding purposes in MOE Emergency Funding Directions. 3) The number of subsidies could be increased and reallocated, as the case may be. 4) Students’ education development may be taken into account for long-term funding. 5) The applicable students of MOE Emergency Funding Directions are proper in substance. 6) For consistency, it shall be set up standard operating procedure for application and approval in the emergency aid system. 7) The tracing and counseling rules of funding should be established completely. 8) It’s necessary to amend relating funding policies depending on implementation conditions.


P. M. Quinn著、吳芝儀、 李奉儒譯(2008)。質性研究與評鑑,濤石文化事業(股)公司。
BBC (2018),台灣宜蘭普悠瑪號火車出軌事故:盤點四大技術焦點,BBC中文版。
