  • 學位論文


Exploratory Transformations and Future Implications of Intimacy through Sci-Fi Movies

指導教授 : 陳國華


在當代社會中,離婚率和少子化已經是一種持續發展的趨勢,而不婚與晚婚的現象更顯示出婚姻的意義對當代人來說已經改變,隨著時代的變遷,親密關係的型態越來越自由與多元,婚姻已經不是當代社會的指標了,親密關係所面臨的問題逐漸成為現代社會最關注的議題之一。因此,本研究透過文獻回顧親密關係的定義和理論,以及相關研究,試圖探討更深層「關係」的本質在當代社會的意義是什麼。傳統上的親密關係指的是以「家」為核心的社會角色關係,而當代社會談論的親密關係代表的是私人關係,最典型的是針對我們所愛的人,如父母親、孩子、婚姻中的丈夫或妻子、親密伴侶或摯友。 人們對關係的需求是本研究希望探討的重點,因此將由科幻電影作為媒介,從科幻對未來的想像出發,邀請了30位受訪者觀看電影後,進行半結構式訪談,利用未來學方法中的未來三角、未來情節分析法形塑出一個可能成真的未來,以及可能面臨的挑戰,來探討在當今社會趨勢下親密關係的可能性。本研究發現,失落感經驗是當代人們普遍的經驗,且對親密關係的需求轉為陪伴為主要核心的多元陪伴形式。在未來情節分析中,研究者使用原型模型發展出以市場主義為導向,產業、經濟持續成長的未來;崩潰的未來則呈現完全的情慾的極端化現象;穩定狀態的未來則由政府管理人們使用科技的權限以維持社會秩序;轉化的未來則帶出了人們從科技體驗中發展出的新關係。


未來 親密關係 情節分析


In contemporary society, there has been a general upward trend in divorce rates and a downward trend in birth rates. The phenomena of non-marriage and late marriage revealed how the significance of marriage has alternated overtime. Marriage is no longer perceived as an index for intimate relationships, which come in a variety of forms and have become more flexible as well as diverse. Challenges derive from such intimate relationships, however, have gradually caught great attention from the modern society. Therefore, through reviewing the definitions, theories, and literatures regarding intimate relationships, this study discusses what a deeper ‘relationship’ may denote in contemporary society. From a relatively traditional perspective, intimate relationships refer to relationships that center on the concept of ‘family’ in terms of social roles, while in contemporary society, intimate relationships address personal relationships, which typically include our loved ones, such as parents, children, spouses, intimate partners, or close friends. This research focuses on people’s need for ‘relationships,’ based on science fiction movies along with relevant perspectives. Thirty interviewees were invited to depict their future images in a semi-structured interview after watching the film. To deliberate on the possibilities of intimate relationships in contemporary society, futures studies methods including Futures Triangle and Scenarios analysis were applied to shape possible futures as well as emerging challenges accordingly built on detailed analyses. Results showed that most people have often experienced a sense of disappointment and frustration, and have consequently turned to seek companionship from intimate relationships. Based on the original model, the following scenarios were developed by the researcher through four Archetype Futures Scenarios: the Growth scenario illustrates a future in which market fundamentalism prevails with industrial and economic growth; the Collapse scenario reveals how human emotions and lust have completely gone to extremes; the Discipline scenario portrays how people’s authority to technology is controlled by the government in order to maintain social order; finally, the Transformation scenario describes a new relationship developed from people’s experiences with the technology.


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