  • 學位論文


A Research on the Function,Operation,and Ways of Transformation of Teachers' Associations at School Level:New Taipei City as the Case.

指導教授 : 吳明清


本研究探討新北市學校教師會之角色功能、運作情形與轉型發展,經以相關文獻之探討為基礎,確定研究架構,並據以編製調查問卷,採分層隨機抽樣,調查新北市已成立學校教師會之197所公立學校教師共672人對學校教師會之相關意見,並回收有效問卷586份(有效回收率87%)。資料經整理後,採描述性統計、卡方檢定、t考驗、單因子變異數分析等統計方法進行分析,進而歸納研究結論如下: 一、學校教師會具有多元之角色功能,學校教師較能認同教師會之「權益爭取捍衛」與「決策參與監督」兩種功能,而「專業促進發展」之功能則較為不足。 二、學校教師會「應有」之角色功能與「實際」的角色功能之間存有顯著落差;學校教師認為學校教師會的實際功能不如教師們對學校教師會應有功能的期待。 三、學校教師對學校教師會角色功能之看法會因學校層級、性別、師資培育背景、教學年資、現任職務、參與教師會現況、教師會職務不同而有差異。 四、學校教師對學校教師會各層面運作情形有中度或高度的肯定;但「經費不足」與「教師沒有足夠時間參與教師會活動」仍屬有待克服的問題。 五、學校教師對學校教師會運作情形的意見會因學校層級、學校規模、性別、師資培育背景、現任職務、參與教師會現況、教師會職務不同而有所差異。 六、新北市教師認為學校教師會目前運作應「維持不變」,但會員資格可開放代課教師與實習教師自由入會。 七、新北市教師認為學校教師會各項功能的重要性考量,依序為「權益爭取捍衛」、「關係溝通協商」、「決策參與監督」。 八、新北市教師認為學校教師會未來發展的意見以「轉型為工會」為主。


This study explored the role, function, operation and transition of the School Teacher Association in New Taipei City. A questionnaire survey was administered to 672 teachers from 197 public schools in New Taipei City via stratified random sampling. Data were collected and analyzed statistically by adopting methods such as descriptive statistics, chi-square test, t-test and one-way ANOVA. Based on findings of data analysis, conclusions of this study were summarized as follows: 1. The School Teacher Association possessed multiple roles and functions. The most significantly identified functions of the Association by school teachers were “fight for and protect rights” and “participate in decision-making as well as monitoring process”; and at the same time, the least identified function of the Association was “the promotion of skills.” 2. Substantial gap was seen between the “prescriptive” roles and functions of the School Teacher Association and their “descriptive” ones. Namely, school teachers believed that the actual functions of the School Teacher Association were less than the functions expected by them. 3. Teachers’ views on the roles and functions of the School Teacher Association varied depending on teachers’ rank, gender, professional education background, seniorities, current positions, involvement in the Association and their positions in the Association. 4. School teachers generally expressed medium to high level of approval of the operation of the School Teacher Association, but still regard “lack of funding” and “insufficient time for teachers to participate the Association’s activities” as challenges to be overcome. 5. Teachers’ opinions on the operation of the School Teacher Association varied depending on teachers’ rank, gender, professional education background, seniorities, current positions, involvement in the Association and their positions in the Association. 6. School teachers in New Taipei City mostly hold “maintaining status quo” opinion on the transition of the operation of School Teacher Association and only showed support for change in “allowing substitute teachers and trainee teachers to join the School Teacher Association.” 7. School teachers in New Taipei City rated the importance of the functions of the Association in the following order: “to fight for and protect rights”, “to communicate and coordinate” and “to participate in decision-making and monitoring process.” 8. School teachers in New Taipei City saw “transition into Labor Union” as the main direction for future development.




