  • 學位論文


A study on parental involvement and learning adaptation of the first-year students in elementary schools of Taipei City.

指導教授 : 楊瑩


本研究旨在探討台北市國小低年級學童家長參與學生學習及學生學習適應之間的關係。本研究主要是以問卷調查法為主,文獻探討為輔。本研究之問卷調查係採分層立意選樣方法先挑選台北市地理位置相鄰,但居民背景與屬性有明顯不同的二個行政區,每一行政區再依學校規模各抽2所國小為樣本學校。本研究針對該4所學校全體一年級學生家長為樣本進行問卷調查。本研究共寄發正式問卷542份,回收有效問卷487份,回收率為89.9%。 本研究的主要目的包括: 一、瞭解家長參與國小低年級學生學習的情形。 二、瞭解家長所知覺的國小低年級學生學習適應的情形。 三、分析不同背景變項家長參與國小低年級學生學習情形之異同。 四、分析不同背景變項家長所知覺的國小低年級學生學習適應情形 之異同。 五、分析家長參與學生學習與學生學習適應之間的關係。 本研究之主要結論可歸納如下: 一、學生家長參與學生學習的層面以「親師溝通」為最佳,其次為 「課業指導」,最低的是「志工服務」。 二、學生家長對學生學習適應的覺知情況普遍良好,其中以「學習環 境」最佳,其次為「身心適應」,最低的是「學習方法」。 三、學生家長對學生學習的參與度會因學校所在區域、學校規模及家 庭社經地位的不同而有差異。 四、學生家長所覺知的學生學習適應,有性別上之差異,女生表現比 男生好。 五、學生家長所覺知的學生學習適應,會因學校所在區域、學校規模 及家庭社經地位之不同而有差異。 六、學生家長所覺知的學生學習適應在「學習習慣」與「學習態度」 上,會依學生是否為獨生子女而有差異,非獨生子女表現比獨生 子女佳。 七、學生家長參與學生學習與學生學習適應之間呈現高度正相關。


This study mainly aims to explore the relationship between parental involvement and learning adaptation of the first grade students in elementary schools of Taipei City. The methods of questionnaire survey and literature review were adopted in this study. By using stratified purposive sampling,two administrative districts with different backgrounds in Taipei city are chosen firstly. Then, in each district, 2 schools of different size were selected. In these selected 4 schools, parents of all first-year students are the samples of this study. Finally, a total of 487 valid questionnaires, out of 542 being sent, were collected and analyzed in this study, e.g.,. the response rate is 89.9%. The main purposes of this study include: 1. To understand the parental involvement of first year students in Taipei city. 2. To explore the learning adaptation of students in elementary schools, perceived by parents. 3. To analyze the similarities and differences in parental involvement among students with different backgrounds. 4. To analyze the similarities and differences in the perceived learning adaptation of students among students with different backgrounds. 5.To explore the relations of parental involvement to the learning adaptation of students. The conclusions of this study can be summarized as follows: 1.“Communication between parents and teachers” is the best and most frequent pattern of parental involvement, followed by the “homework guidance”, and “volunteer service"., in order. 2. Students’ learning adaptations are considerably good, perceived by parents on the whole. The best adaptation is in the dimension of “learning environment”, followed by the dimension of “physical and mental adaptation”, but students’ adaptation to the dimension of “learning methods” is the weakest. 3. There are significant difference in parents’ involvement in students’ learning in terms of location and size of schools, as well as family socio-economic status. 4. There are significant differences in students’ learning adaptation between gender. It is found that girls’ adaptations are better than boys’. 5. There are significant difference in students’ learning adaptation in terms of location and size of schools, as well as family socio-economic status. 6. In the dimensions of “study habits” and “learning attitude”, the adaptations of students with sibling are better than the only child of the family. 7. There is high positive correlation between parents’ involvement and students’ learning adaptation.




