  • 學位論文

銀髮族於公共圖書館參考服務櫃檯互動歷程之研究 —以臺北市立圖書館為例

An Interaction Process Study of Reference Service for Elderly Users in Public Libraries : A Case Study of Taipei Public Library

指導教授 : 宋雪芳


基於銀髮族讀者之生理及心理老化因素,針對其在圖書館參考諮詢服務台互動相關主題進行研究。 研究目的分別為:分析銀髮族讀者參考問題類型、檢視參考櫃檯館員處理問題商談過程、了解參考櫃檯人員與銀髮族讀者溝通互動、了解參考櫃檯館員認識銀髮族老化知識與溝通、了解櫃檯館員與銀髮族讀者對諮詢服務確實性等。 本研究採取觀察法、問卷調查法及訪談法,進行發展研究工具及資料蒐集,以觀察紀錄為主,訪談及問卷資料為輔,進行事實的陳述。研究對象是以諮詢服務櫃檯人員及蒞櫃諮詢之銀髮族讀者為主。 依據研究結果,提出以下研究結論: 一、銀髮族讀者參考問題類型有:指引型、事實型、主題型。問題商談表達類型有:問題明確、問題資訊不明確。影響問題商談互動的流暢性,不完全在於參考問題類型,在於問題商談表達類型而定。 二、館員均能掌握口語、非口語技巧與銀髮族溝通,互動中銀髮族類型方面有:重複跳針型、外向歸因型、刁難讀者等三類型。對於刁難讀者與問題讀者溝通方式,因影響層面不同而有不同的處理方式。 三、參考櫃檯人員認識銀髮族老化知識與溝通程度,經問卷標準方式評定屬於極高程度。館員經驗中,銀髮族在老化之生理、認知方面有明顯的退化;在溝通時,需特別注意銀髮族讀者自尊心問題。 四、參考櫃檯人員與銀髮族讀者,在諮詢服務確實性看法中,一致認為:「加強館員對老年學專業知識」主題,為最不重要的。而參考櫃檯人員與銀髮族讀者在「狀況處理」、「服務態度」、「熟悉流程」等主題,看法較歧異。 綜整文獻、研究發現與結論,提出建議,以供臺北市立圖書館或其它公共圖書館服務銀髮族讀者參考: 一、速購電腦雙螢幕同步顯示相同的畫面,可進行同步對談,加速諮詢互動的流暢性。 二、圖書館應加強館員對老年學專業知識具體行動。 三、強化服務人員對銀髮族讀者服務態度。 四、建立圖書館銀髮族讀者危機應變標準流程。


Based on the physiological and psychological aging factor of elderly readers, the study focuses on their interaction and related topics of studies in the library reference consulting desk. The purposes of the study are: analyzing elderly readers’ reference question type, reviewing the reference counter librarians’ who deal with the question negotiation process, understanding the interactive communication between reference counter staff and elderly readers, exploring the reference counter librarians recognize elderly readers’ knowledge of aging and communication, understanding the assurance of consulting services for counter librarians and elderly readers and so on. The study adopts observation, questionnaire survey and interview method to conduct the development of research instrument and data collection. The main research instrument is to observe, keep record and it was supplemented by interviews and questionnaires to state the fact. The participants of the study are consulting service counter staff and the elderly readers who use the consulting service counter. According to the results of the study, the following conclusions were mentioned: 1. The types of reference questions for elderly readers are directional, ready reference, specific search. The types of question negotiation expression are clear question and vague information of question. Theway to influence question negotiation and its fluency is not in the reference question, it depends on the question negotiation expression type. 2. The librarians can master both spoken language and nonverbal communication with elderly readers.The types of interaction for elderly readers are: duplicate one’s words around, external attribution type,difficult patron and so on. The communication way for difficult patron and problem patron which have different approach due to their impact levels. 3. Via questionnaire standard way, the aging knowledge and communication level of reference counter staff who recognize elderly readers was judged at a pretty high level.In the experience of librarians, their experience toward aging physiological and cognitive aspect of elderly readers had degraded. During communication with elderly readers, librarians should particularly pay attention to the self-esteem issues of elderly readers. 4. Both reference counter staff and elderly readers view of consulting service certainty consistently agreed that the topic “strengthen librarians’ expertise toward gerontology expertise” is the least important. And reference counter staff and elderly readers view of “cope with situation”, “service attitude” and “familiar with procedure” and other topics are more divergent. After reading literature and researches’ finding and conclusions, suggestions were made to provide Taipei Public Library and other public library elderly readers: 1. Purchase computer with dual-screen simultaneous display of the same picture which can synchronize while talking. It can accelerate the fluency of consulting interaction. 2. The library should promote concrete action for librarians to familiar with the expertise of gerontology. 3. The staff should provide better service attitude for elderly readers. 4. Build the crisis response standard operation process of library for elderly readers.


王冠智( 2004)。臺北市立圖書館人員教育訓練之研究(未出版之碩士論文)。國立臺灣大學,臺北市。
