  • 學位論文

現代城市家庭中的父權展演— 中國電影中家庭之研究(2012—2021)

The Display of Patriarchy in Modern Urban Families— A Study of Chinese Family Films(2012—2021)

指導教授 : 楊明昱


經過四次女性主義浪潮,女性的社會地位得到顯著提升。然而即使在今天,父權從不會缺席。家庭作為男性宰製的場域,像一張無形的網,嚴絲合縫的把家庭籠罩在父權之下。本研究以女性主義的角度出發,試圖探尋在現代城市家庭中父權如何被展演,通過分析電影中父權的內化者與父權的反抗者究其背後深刻的社會意涵。 本研究採用文本分析,選擇2012—2021的五部電影探討中國電影中的家庭,以《萬箭穿心》、《再見,南屏晚鐘》兩部探討在父親缺席的家庭中,父權如何籠罩在家庭之中。以《狗十三》、《春潮》、《我的姐姐》三部探討不同身份的女性如何在個體與家庭之間探尋。 研究結果發現,強勢的女性往往會受到父權的懲戒,亦或是讓其主動回歸父權的期待;即使在父親缺席的家庭,父權的外衣依舊籠罩在家庭之中。女性可能異化成為男性權力的象徵,父權的接力棒也被轉交給下一代;另外,影片中撕裂的母女關係打破了母慈子孝的螢幕父權幻想。最後,女性主義給中國女性帶來確切改變,開始覺醒並走出家庭。但文本中不如人意的結局揭示了中國女性似乎很難真正走出父權家庭的陰影,女性的抗爭伴隨著誤區與歧途,她們的解放之路還有很長的路要走。


After four waves of feminism, the social status of women has been significantly improved. Yet even today, patriarchy is never absent. As a field of male domination, the family is like an invisible net that tightly shrouds the family under patriarchal power. From the perspective of feminism, this research attempts to explore how patriarchy is played out in modern urban families, and investigates the profound social implications behind it by analyzing the internalizers and rebels of patriarchy in movies. This study uses text analysis to select five films from 2012 to 2021 to explore the family in Chinese films, and two films, "A Thousand Arrows Through the Heart" and "Goodbye, Nanping Evening Bell", explore how patriarchal power is in a family where the father is absent. shrouded in the family. The three volumes of "Dog Thirteen", "Spring Tide" and "My Sister" explore how women of different identities explore between individuals and families. The results of the study found that strong women are often punished by patriarchy, or they are expected to return to patriarchy; even in families where the father is absent, the cloak of patriarchy is still shrouded in the family. Women may be alienated and become a symbol of male power, and the baton of patriarchal power is passed on to the next generation; in addition, the torn mother-daughter relationship in the film breaks the on-screen patriarchal fantasy of a mother’s kindness and filial piety. In the end, feminism brought definite changes to Chinese women, and they began to wake up and walk out of the family. However, the unsatisfactory ending in the text reveals that it is difficult for Chinese women to truly get out of the shadow of the patriarchal family. Women's struggle is accompanied by misunderstandings and misunderstandings, and their liberation still has a long way to go.


施寄青譯(1987)。《女性主義第二章》。臺北:洪建全教育文化基金會。(原書:B.Friedan,(1981) . The Second Stage. PH: Summit Books)
陳儒修、郭幼龍譯(2002)。《電影理論解讀》。臺北:遠流。(原書:R.Stam,(2000)Film Theory : an Introduction. )
