  • 學位論文



指導教授 : 張世豪


傳統無人飛行器延長壽命的技術,大多仰賴固定式充電站進行無人飛行器的電量補給,但是固定式充電站建設成本較高,且在初始規劃階段就必須將固定式充電站的位置以及數量規劃好,但無人飛行器的任務需求日益增加,無人飛行器的數量也隨之增加,無人飛行器需要經常等待空閒的充電站來進行電量補給,這會導致無人飛行器的任務完成時間延後、資料的丟失,以及無人飛行器等待而消耗電量。 本論文假設存在著許多移動充電車,其位置及速度固定且可知,其上搭載著充電設備,可對無人機進行充電,本論文所提出的方法共三步驟,首先,將無人機充電任務的初始任務位置、目標任務位置以及以及充電車的路徑,依單位時間切割為多個狀態位置;其次,將切割好的狀態位置製作成帶有無人機獲得電量的有向圖;而後,將所形成的帶權有向圖轉化為相鄰矩陣,並透過本論文所提出基於動態規劃的MCTCV算法,找出無人機在達到門檻電量並且相對花費時間最小的充電任務路徑。實驗顯示,本論文所提出的充電策略,在充電任務花費時間以及相同時間下所獲得的電量均優於相關研究。


The technology for extending the life of traditional unmanned aerial vehicles mostly relies on fixed charging stations for the power supply of unmanned aerial vehicles. However, the construction cost of fixed charging stations is relatively high, and the location and number of fixed charging stations must be planned in the initial planning stage. However, the mission demand of unmanned aerial vehicles is increasing, and the number of unmanned aerial vehicles is also increasing. Unmanned aerial vehicles often need to wait for idle charging stations to replenish power. This will cause delays in the completion of unmanned aerial vehicles' missions, loss of data, and unmanned aerial vehicles. Wait and consume power. This paper assumes that there are many mobile charging vehicles whose positions and speeds are fixed and known. They are equipped with charging equipment to charge the drone. The method proposed in this paper has three steps. First, the task of charging the drone The initial mission position, the target mission position, and the path of the charging car are cut into multiple state positions per unit time; secondly, the cut state positions are made into a directed graph with the power obtained by the drone; then, the resulting The weighted directed graph of is transformed into an adjacent matrix, and the MCTCV algorithm based on dynamic programming proposed in this paper is used to find the charging task path that the drone reaches the threshold power and takes the least time. Experiments show that the charging strategy proposed in this paper is better than the related research in the time spent on the charging task and the amount of electricity obtained in the same time.


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