  • 學位論文


Impacts of Sustainable Agricultural Development of Taiwan with Transformative Agricultural Workforce- A Case Study of Water Bamboo Industry in Sanzhi District

指導教授 : 陳國華


近年來,台灣的農業發展受困於缺乏及老化的農業勞動力、知識傳遞及技術學習的斷層、及農民學習速度不及於科技發展速度等問題。在科技進步及勞動人口的轉變下,為了讓台灣的農業能永續發展,台灣農業因而需要吸收創新的知識並加入轉型的科技技術來解決目前的困境。本研究藉由茭白筍產業如何在新北市三芝區永續發展,探討不同世代的農民對於茭白筍產業的技術與知識學習的方式、農民在學習後所形成的農業價值觀對於茭白筍產業的產銷方式之差異、面對新科技投入茭白筍產業的期待與擔憂、以及不同世代的農民對於三芝區茭白筍未來發展的想像。本研究透過半結構式訪談,訪談八位不同世代的農民,接著使用未來學思考方法中的未來三角(Futures Triangle)、情節分析(Scenarios)及因果層次分析(Casual Layered Analysis, CLA)作多種未來的想像及深度的社會解析。 本研究在半結構式訪談中發現農民前輩因保守的思維方式、不願意互相交流的互動模式,將自己困在技術失傳的問題中;在茭白筍的行銷方式上,運輸、包裝及販售之勞動力不足、消費者議價行為嚴重,但現今多種的銷售平台可以提供協助,讓農民無須駐點販售,省去許多人力需求。對於茭白筍產業的未來想像,農民是悲觀且無助的,子孫對於農業繼承的意願不高,讓農民前輩擔心無人願意繼承家業。但在本研究的未來想像探索中,發現新一代農民期待的是在未來,三芝能成為全台農業知識基地,搭配科技設備對於茭白筍產業的協作進行研究,以開放式的溝通行為及經驗分享,作為主要傳遞農作知識及技術學習的方式;成立茭白筍產銷合作社,透過生產與行銷分工,讓有系統性的管理方式得以協助農民在農作時無須憂心銷售問題;精緻農業成為主流,農民以小量生產為主,提供更多的觀光價值吸引消費者前來觀光,讓消費者瞭解產銷履歷與健康之關聯,創造三芝區茭白筍產業永續發展的未來多種可能。


In recent years, agriculture of Taiwan is troubled with many problems including elderly and fewer agricultural workforce, lacks of innovative knowledge and technology, and lags behind the speed of social as well as technological change. In the process of technology and the transformative workforce, agriculture in Taiwan should assimilate the innovation knowledge and combine with transformation technology skill to keep the sustainable agriculture. This study tries to explore how water bamboo industry in Sanzhi District keep sustainable development with analyzing how to learn skill and knowledge of the water bamboo with different generation of farmers, the different production and sales method make from the values of agricultural industry after farmers learning, the anticipate and worry to face new technology being used in water bamboo industry, and the images of futures after 20 years of water bamboo industry with different generation of farmers. This study begins with semi-structured interviews, futures triangle, scenarios analysis and causal layered analysis to generate multiple future images and analyze its link with the deeper social structure. In the study, I find that the conservative thinking style of farmers and unwilling communication with each other will loop themselves into the problem of the agricultural skills losing. In Marketing of water bamboo, less workforce and customers' bargaining lead to seriously problem of transportation, packaging, and selling, but now we can use different marketing platform for help, and so that no farmers need to stand by for selling. For futures of water bamboo industry, farmers are pessimistic and helpness, and worry about nobody will inherit family business because posterity are unwilling to inherit the farming industry. On the other hand, future of the younger farmers is that Sanzhi becomes the knowledge base of agriculture, researches the way planting water bamboo by advanced technologies equipment, with flexible ways of communication and experience sharing of delivering agricultural skills and knowledge. Establishment of the production and marketing cooperative, division the production and selling work, with systematic management can help farmers worry free about marketing problem. Delicate agriculture becomes mainstream, and then farmers could focus on small-scale production, in providing agricultural ecotourism, so that future customers will learn to appreciate agriculture as well as environment.


