  • 學位論文


English Learning Attitude and Outcome of Blended Learning for The High School Students in ESL Class- An Action Study of An International School in Taichung

指導教授 : 何俐安


由於台灣國際學校的正規課堂都是以外籍教師全英語授課的方式進行,學生容易因為英語程度不夠,跟不上班級學習進度,上課容易分心,導致學習興趣缺缺,尤其是經學校入學考試評估需要修讀ESL課程的學生。因此,為解決學生英語程度不足銜接全英語授課的困境,本研究旨在探討以螺旋式課程的特性和教學原則為課程設計基礎,在與數位學習科技(Edpuzzle)結合而成的混成學習課程,希望能提升處於數位時代學生英語學習態度與成果。 本研究採行動研究法,進行為期2週共6堂課的混成英語學習課程。研究對象為研究者任教的高中十一年級一個班共3名學生。資料蒐集方法包括觀察、問卷與文件記錄,即學生英語學習背景問卷、學生英語學習單、教師教學日誌、訪談、錄音、學生課堂表現等。主要研究結論有: 一、混成學習方案能有效幫助國際高中ESL課程的學生提升英語學習成果; 二、混成學習對國際高中ESL課程的學生有正向的學習態度; 三、混成學習研究能提升教師專業成長。   研究者以本研究的研究結果為依據提出建議,供未來欲進行混成學習相關研究的學者做參考。


At international schools in Taiwan, foreign teachers teach the regular courses in English. Due to different English abilities, students may find difficulties to follow up with class and may easily distracted in class. It is even harder especially for those who are assessed by admission examinations that are evaluated to join ESL classes to improve students’ English. Thus, this study aimed to explore English learning attitude and outcome of Blended Learning with spiral curriculum and e-learning technology (Edpuzzle) for the eleventh-grade high school students in ESL class. This study adopted the action research method and the blended learning course was conducted in two weeks with a total of six units. The research participants were three eleventh-grade students that were enrolled in ESL class at an international school in Taichung. The research instruments employed in this study were student English learning background questionnaires, student English learning worksheets, teacher’s teaching diaries, interviews, recordings, and student performance in class. The findings are: (1) Blended Learning can help to increase student-learning outcome in ESL class at international school; (2) Blended Learning has the positive learning attitude effect to students in ESL class at international school; and (3) The research of Blended Learning can improve teacher’s professional performance and growth. Based on the findings of the study, further suggestions for future researchers are provided as a reference.


王淑儀(2008)。從EFL到ESL -淺談英語教學模式的轉換與教材銜接。敦煌英語教學電子雜誌,取自網站:http://www.cavesbooks.com.tw/CET/ArtContent_tw.aspx?CDE=ART201308141311510R4
