  • 學位論文


An Application of ANP to Supplier Selection with Environmental Criteria for the Electronics Industry in Taiwan.

指導教授 : 時序時
共同指導教授 : 鄭啟斌


本研究在探究台灣電子業目前因應環境保護的要求下,評選供應商時應考慮的多重準則,並利用BOCR-ANP (Analytic Network Process with Benefits, Opportunities, Costs, and Risks Analysis)的模型進行評估,再以某家筆記型電腦電源供應器 (NB Adapter)的採購進行案例驗證,以了解綠色相關評估準則的影響。 以往企業的採購決策多強調較為確定的準則或指標,較少涵蓋營運時所面臨的機會與風險的不確定性,透過BOCR-ANP分析法可避免因忽略不確定性而造成不適宜的決策。本研究首先參考國內外供應商評選之相關文獻彙整出十二項一般準則與六項綠色準則,透過內容效度分析 (Content Validity Ratio)與因素分析 (Factor Analysis)獲得BOCR的元素與群組,再應用分析網路程序法處理元素間與群組間的相依及回饋的問題,藉以獲得準則與方案的優先順序。並對模型進行元素與群組的敏感度分析以確保本分析的穩健度。 透過本建議模型能將一般評選準則與綠色準則同時思考,以獎勵在環境保護上表現優異的供應商,而非如傳統上將綠色準則作為篩選門檻。根據研究結果發現:在BOCR下最受到重視的群組因BOCR構面不同而稍有差異,依序為「生產應變能力」、「對顧客承諾」、「價格」及「產品可靠度」;由其內容來看,「交期」準則反映最為重要,綠色準則反而不被重視,此與直覺不同的結果說明綠色準則並不是當前企業實務上的主要考量。BOCR-ANP分析法除可細緻描述準則內涵外,並可將實務上不確定性的影響納入分析,以利適切決策。最後,針對企業在供應商評選時較忽略綠色準則的問題,分別對供應商、企業及政府提出建議,以期提升未來對環境保護的重視。


This study aims to investigate the problem of supplier selection according to the environmental requirements for the electronic industry in Taiwan. BOCR-ANP (Analytic Network Process with Benefits, Opportunities, Costs, and Risks Analysis) model is used to assess those criteria. An real-world case of supplier selection for a notebook adapter is compared to understand the impact of green related criteria. Enterprises in the past mostly relied on tangible criteria or specific indices for making purchasing decisions instead of considering the uncertain opportunities and risks in the evaluating process. These uncertainties could be to the detriment of business operations with inappropriate decisions. BOCR-ANP can incorporate the uncertainties into the model and avoid unsuitable choices. First of all, 12 general criteria and 6 green criteria were compiled from literatures on supplier selection. Secondly, to obtain the priority of criteria and alternatives, content validity ratio and factor analysis were used for acquiring elements and clusters under BOCR, and ANP approach was then applied to process the independence and feedback among elements and clusters. Lastly, a sensitive analysis was executed to ensure the robustness of the model. The general criteria and green criteria can be considered simultaneously in this model, instead of screening green suppliers by environmental regulations, to reward the environmental efforts of the suppliers. The result shows that valued clusters are slightly different due to aspects of BOCR, i.e., “production adaptability”, “promise to customer”, “price” and “product reliability”, and “delivery time” is the major concern while green criteria are less valued. The results differ from our intuition which green criteria are not the main concerns of current enterprises. BOCR-ANP can not only describe the criteria in details, but also consider the effects of uncertainties for a suitable decision. In the final part, suggestions for suppliers, the electronic industry, and the government are drawn in hope of making their more efforts on environmental protection in the future.


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