  • 學位論文


Study on students´ extracurricular reading behavior of high school journal clubs in Taipei City

指導教授 : 林雯瑤


我國教育部於民國108年全面實施以素養為核心的「十二年國民基本教育課程綱要總綱」,關注自主行動、溝通互動、社會參與三大面向,其中閱讀是重要的基礎能力。其中臺北市教育局也規劃實施與閱讀相關的系列活動與計畫,本研究因此好奇參與編輯校刊的普通高中校刊社學生,在課外閱讀動機及閱讀行為方面的特質為何。 本研究以108學年度臺北市普通高中15所,有編輯校刊的校刊社學生為研究對象,透過網路問卷的方式進行調查其閱讀動機與行為,共發放190份問卷,回收94份,其中79位受訪者具有閱讀習慣。 研究結果顯示,79位具有閱讀習慣的校刊社學生在編輯校刊期間的課外閱讀動機因校刊編輯工作而加強,影響閱讀動機最主要的原因是期待能解決問題,來自同儕分享的影響較少。主要的閱讀主題以語文文學類為主,「宗教類」及「世界史地類」為最少。進行閱讀時主要的資訊來源為友人推薦、網路或書店推薦。偏好於放學後才進行課外閱讀,37.97% 的校刊社學生具有每天閱讀的習慣。最常使用的閱讀載體為「紙本、手機」組合,偏好透過YouTube與網路瀏覽器進行數位閱讀,平日進行課外閱讀喜好的閱讀地點為家裡,其次為學校。 本研究建議,高中應重視培養學生的閱讀習慣,且營造像「家」一樣舒適的閱讀環境;欲培養學生的寫作能力,可從鼓勵大量的課外閱讀開始;學校應重視數位軟體,使課外閱讀更符合108課綱的自主學習;並重新思考「實體圖書館」的重要性。


閱讀行為 高中生


Taiwan’s Ministry of Education fully put the core competencies of the 12-Year Basic Education Curriculum Guidelines into effect in 2019, with a focus on the three aspects of Spontaneity; Communication and Interaction; and Social Participation. Within these, reading is an important basic competency. The Taipei City Government’s Department of Education has also planned and implemented reading-related activity series and programs. As a result, this study was interested in the extracurricular reading motives and reading behavior-related qualities demonstrated by high school journal club students involved in journal editing. Journal club students from 15 high schools in Taipei City involved in journal editing in 2019 were adopted as research participants. Through an online questionnaire survey method, their reading motives and behaviors were investigated. A total of 190 questionnaires were distributed, of which 94 copies were recovered and 79 displayed reading habits. The results show that for the 79 journal club students with reading habits, their motive to read outside of class was strengthened during the journal editing period by the journal editing work they did. The primary factor affecting their reading motives was their expectation to solve problems; sharing among peers, on the other hand, was relatively less influential. The primary reading topics were within the language and literature categories, while the religion and world history categories accounted for the least. When engaging in reading, their main information sources were recommendations from friends and internet or bookstore recommendations. As for preferences to engage in extracurricular reading after school, 37.97% of the journal students had the habit of reading daily. The most commonly used reading media were “paper and mobile phone”, combined. They preferred to engage in digital reading through YouTube and web browsers. The preferred venue for everyday extracurricular reading was their homes, followed by the school. This study recommends that high schools attach importance to cultivating students’ reading habits and creating home-like comfortable reading environments. In order to foster students’ writing competency, students should be encouraged to start by engaging in extensive extracurricular reading. Schools should give emphasis to digital software, to make extracurricular reading more in line with the 2019 curriculum guidelines’ focus on spontaneity. Schools should also rethink the importance of physical libraries.


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