  • 學位論文


The PRC-ASEAN Relations:The case of PRC High-speed Rail Diplomacy

指導教授 : 黃介正


2013年習近平與李克強分進合擊出訪東南亞,正是在展開習李體制政治新局時,為其拓展東協外交關係奠定深厚的基礎,塑造互惠格局的重大外交行動,並積極向各國推銷高鐵,已與多國達成合作協議,此做法也被媒體稱作「高鐵外交」成為中共繼乒乓外交、熊貓外交後,新啟動之另一外交形式與戰略。 東南亞國家一直以來都是中共重要的貿易夥伴,也是中共極欲拉攏以制衡美、日等國勢力的重要區域,是其總體外交戰略中相當重要之一環,改革開放後,中共以經濟建設為施政中心,鄧小平乃提出「和平與發展」理論,推行「獨立自主」的和平外交政策,江澤民主政以來,中共標舉維護世界和平,促進共同發展的外交政策宗旨,習近平接掌中央總書記一職隨即提出「中國夢」之意旨,基於地緣政治及國家利益的考量,致力推動與周邊國家的外交,希望維持持安定和平的周邊國際環境,以全力進行經濟建設,而有利其發展。 中共「一帶一路」提出後,明確形成與亞洲、歐洲、非洲之陸路及海路合作。陸路部分,中國大陸重視鐵路建設,尤重視「泛亞鐵路」南段(以雲南昆明為起點,新加坡為終點之高鐵或鐵路路線,途中經越南、柬埔寨、泰國、緬甸、寮國等國家),期藉以強化「一帶 一路」效益。本文嘗試透過中共在東南亞地區爭取的高鐵合作機會並與日本競標高鐵工程,剖析目前現況與未來發展趨勢及影響。


Xi Jinping and Li Keqiang conducted the visit to the Southeast Asia countries in 2013,which was the beginning of their new diplomatic engagement.TO create a reciprocity diplomatic Strategy and to promote high-speed rail cooperation will successfully assist PRC to enfance their diplomatic relationship with the ASEAN . Since the PRC had conducted“ Ping Pong Diplomacyand”and“Panda Diplomacy ”before,this time the public media called this policy “HSR Diplomacy. ” Asia countries are important trade partners of PRC and it is also the region that PRC attempts to control to defend against the expansion of U.S and Japan. After the implementation of reform and opening-up policy,economic development has become the major task of PRC.Deng Xiaoping implemented the ;“Independent foreign policy ”,placing emphasis on developing PRC diplomatic affairs independently.Since Jiang ZeMin became the leader of PRC ,the diplomatic strategy was to maintain world peace so as promote economic development with friendly countries. After Xi Jin-Ping assumed the chairman ofthe Chinese Communist Party,he proposed“China Dream”as PRC diplomatic policy.PRC devoted to promote the relationship with surrounding countries based on the geographic and the national benefit.The PRC expects to maintain the stable and peaceful environment so as enhance the economic growth. Since“One belt, One road ”initiative was proposed,the land and ocean cooperation between Asia,Europe,and Africa began to flourish.The PRC places emphasis on Railway construction,especially focus on south part of Trans-Asia Railway,which starting from Kunmming Yunnan,passing through Vietnam,Cambodia,Thailand and Laos and ending in Singapore.The PRC hopes this Railway will be helpful to accelerate the progress of“One belt, One road .”This thesis analyzes the current and future competitions between PRC and Japen on the HSR cooperation with ASEAN.


