  • 學位論文


Haptoglobin genotypes predict the survival of patients with colorectal cancer

指導教授 : 周明智


本研究旨在研究血紅素結合蛋白之基因多型性與大腸直腸癌之病人存活情形之關聯性。因故,本研究收集單一教學醫院之非轉移性大腸直腸癌病患並抽血保存於EDTA管中,進一步使用逆轉錄聚合酶鏈式反應確認血紅素結合蛋白之基因型分型。 從西元2005年一月至十一月共計62個非轉移性大腸直腸癌病患接受血紅素結合蛋白基因型之分析檢驗。因病例數太少無法分析故,排除五個Hp 1-1及二個Hp 2-0合子型病人,最後分析了29個Hp 2-1及27個Hp 2-2病人。根據年齡及腫瘤分期進行配對分析後發現具有Hp 2-2之病人其整體存活率較差(Hazard ratio (HR) 3.0; p = 0.028) 且疾病特定之存活較差(HR 3.5; p = 0.018)。 總結來說,本研究證實Hp2-2基因型與非轉移性的大腸直腸癌病患之較短的整體存活以及疾病特定之存活情形有顯著相關。具有Hp2-2基因型之非轉移性的大腸直腸癌病患的預後較差。


The objective of this study is to examine the correlation between genotype of haptoglobin and survival of patients with non-metastatic colorectal cancer. We evaluated cases of patients diagnosed with non-metastatic colorectal cancer at our hospital and collected blood samples. Further identification of haptoglobin genotyping based on polymerase chain reaction. From January 2005 to November 2005, totally 62 non-metastatic colorectal cancer patients was included. The patients with Hp1-1 (5 cases ) and Hp2-0 (2 cases)was not enrolled due to the small case number. Finally, 29 cases of Hp 2-1 and 27 cases of Hp 2-2 were enrolled. These patients were matched for analysis of the Hp genotype. Patients with the Hp2-2 genotype had significantly worse overall survival (Hazard ratio (HR) 3.0; p = 0.028) and disease-specific survival rates than patients with the Hp2-1 genotype (HR 3.5; p = 0.018). We demonstrated the correlation between Hp 2-2 genotype and shorter overall survival and disease-specific survival of patients with non-metastatic colorectal cancer significantly.


haptoglobin colorectal cancer survival


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