  • 學位論文


The effect of emotional films and subtitle types on overt attention: An eye tracking study

指導教授 : 何明洲


在台灣,字幕在電視節目和電影皆很常見。但對於字幕的探討多聚焦在外國語言學習、電影字幕翻譯等領域,很少有研究探討字幕型態和不同情緒類型的影片如何影響觀看影片者的眼動模式。我們以眼動儀紀錄參與者在觀看影片時的凝視點量與凝視時間,探討不同類型的情緒影片與字幕對於外顯注意力的影響。本研究為3情緒影片(中性、生氣或害怕)x 3字幕型態(有字幕、干擾字幕或無字幕)參與者間設計。共有135位大學生,每個情境有15人。影片播畢,參與者填寫自評觀影後感受調查表與情緒量表。研究結果發現,相較干擾字幕或無字幕,有字幕影片在字幕區擁有較多的凝視點量與凝視時間。害怕情緒影片不論在無字幕或干擾字幕的情形下,皆比中性情緒影片在字幕區有較多凝視點量與凝視時間。最後,若是搭配有字幕,不論何種類型的情緒影片在字幕區的凝視點量與凝視時間皆無差異。我們釐清觀看字幕的可能因素,以及提供一般成人觀看威脅性影片時的眼動型態,可供未來臨床實驗作為比較基準。


In Taiwan, the use of subtitle is common in TV programs and movies. However, studies on subtitles mostly focus on foreign language learning and film subtitle translation. Few studies address how subtitle types and films of different emotion types affect the viewers' eye movement patterns. We used an eye tracker to record participants' fixation counts and dwell time when watching films, and explored the effect of different types of emotional films and subtitles on overt attention. This study is a 3 (emotional films: neutral, angry, or fearful) x 3 (subtitle types: subtitled, distracting, or non-subtitled) between-participants design. There are 15 college students in each group, resulting in a total of 135 students. After watching a film, participants filled out a self-reported questionnaire and emotional scale. We found that subtitled films have more fixation counts and dwell time in the subtitle area, compared with distracting subtitles or non-subtitled. There were more fixation counts and dwell time on the subtitle area for the films with fear emotion than with neutral emotion. Finally, there were no significant differences in fixation counts and dwell time in the subtitle area between films with different emotions. We discussed the possible factors that affected the eye movement patterns when watching emotional films.


emotional film subtitle eye-tracking overt attention


吳明憲(監製)、楊雅喆(導演)(2017)。血觀音【DVD 影片】。臺北市:原子映象有限公司。
曾瀚賢(監製)、程偉豪(導演)(2015)。紅衣小女孩【DVD 影片】。臺北市:講故事有限公司、瀚草影視文化事業股份有限公司。
曾瀚賢、湯昇榮(監製)、程偉豪(導演)(2017)。紅衣小女孩2【DVD 影片】。臺北市:紅衣小女孩股份有限公司、瀚草影視文化事業股份有限公司。
唐在揚(監製)、程偉豪(導演)(2017)。目擊者【DVD 影片】。臺北市:嘉揚電影有限公司。
