  • 學位論文

藉由QR code導入藥品衛教資訊之成效分析

Effectiveness Analysis of Drug Health Education Information by QR Code Importation

指導教授 : 蔡崇弘


研究背景:現今的醫療環境,講求能提供病人更完善的醫療品質。在專研疾病的治療之外,也應站在病人的角度,重視病人安全,並提供更周延的醫療服務。因此,希望藉由QR code的設計,能無時無刻提供病人藥品使用方面的衛教與資訊,提升病人的用藥安全。研究方法:計劃在藥袋上印製藥品資訊QR code,內建置連結指導藥品使用的衛教短片或單張等,讓病人可以在離院後,仍能藉由智慧型手機或平板電腦,讀取所使用的藥品資訊,達到正確用藥指導的目的。以使用者問卷調查做為評估QR code建置成效之方式,研究過程包含前後測成效評估、藥品資訊QR code使用衛教與滿意度調查,藉此作為改善之參考。研究結果:分析受訪者在接受藥品資訊QR code衛教前後的差異,整體平均分數:前測為2.75 + 0.82,後測為3.42 + 0.76,數據呈現增加,顯示受訪者在操作使用上QR code有明顯正向的改變與認知增加的趨勢。整體滿意度部分:非常滿意59%、滿意36%、尚可5%、不滿意0%、非常不滿意0%,平均分數為4.54 + 0.59。結論:藉由藥品資訊QR code的設計,透過智慧型手機的普遍性與即時性,可輔助病人正確用藥,增加服藥順從性,避免因資訊不完整而造成病人安全的隱憂,從而提升醫療品質,達到雲端醫療的願景。


Background:We are seeking to provide patients with better quality of care in health care environment nowadays. Not only for specializing in treating diseases, but we should also stand in the patient's point of view to get more attention to patients safety, and to provide medical services more circumspectly. Therefore, in hoping that QR code design can all the time to provide patient health education aspects of the use of medicines and information to improve patient medication safety. Method:Drug information QR code plan printed on medicine paper bags which is to build the connection of health education in the films or on a single web page to the guidance of drugs information, so that the patient can read drug information by smartphones or tablets to achieve the purpose of the correct medication guiding after leaving the hospital. In a user survey to assess QR code as a way to build the effectiveness. The research process includes measurement before and after the effectiveness evaluation, drug information QR code of users health education and satisfaction surveys which here are taken as a reference for improvement. Result:Analysis of the respondents in accepting differences and Drug Information QR code before and after the health education, the overall average score: 2.75 + 0.82 pretest, posttest was 3.42 + 0.76, data increased indicate respondents in operational use on the QR code significantly positive change and cognitive increasing trend. Overall satisfaction with parts: 59% very satisfied, 36% satisfied, still 5%, 0% dissatisfied, very dissatisfied 0%, with an average score of 4.54 + 0.59. Conclusion:Drug information QR code by design, can assist the patient take medicine correctly, increase medication compliance, and avoid incomplete information caused by patient safety worries through smartphone and other digital divces with its universality and immediacy, so as to enhance the quality of care and to achieve the cloud medical vision.


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