  • 學位論文


The role of transglutaminase 2 in psoriasis

指導教授 : 蔡嘉哲




Psoriasis, a inflammatory skin disease triggered by immune system, presents keratinocyte hyperproliferation, differentiation, and angiogenesis. The role of TG2 in psoriasis has not been established yet. The retrospective, non-randomized, and, non-blinding study collected skin biopsy from 37 psoriasis patients and performed immunohistochemical staining. TG2 antibody deposit were found in all the 37 samples, and among which 32 were strong, 5 weak staining, 22 in early and 15 in late stage. They located in epidermis, spreading from basement layer to striatum conium in decrease pattern. In non-lesion site of psoriasis, the stain was only in basement layer. The presence of TG2 was not associated with disease duration, stage of disease and subtype of psoriasis. TG2 participated in the pathogenesis of psoriasis, yet the clinical relevance need further study.


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