  • 學位論文


Teaching Indigenous Languages as Everyday Life: the Stories of Two “inas” in Taipei

指導教授 : 陳儒修


摘要 充滿活力積極熱血的原住民女性族語老師,默默在都會區實踐文化,為了讓族語扎根於日常,她們努力探索文化、提升教學能力,培養多元文化技能,讓更多人樂於親近族語,她們是一群奔走在都會區的族語傳承者。 本創作計畫以台北市兩位族語老師Ljemingas(杜珞琳,排灣族)及Legeane Kasepelane (柯菊華,魯凱族)為拍攝對象,記錄族語老師在都會區透過族語教學進行原住民族語言復振及傳承,在精進教學技能及文化知識的過程中,族語老師經歷反覆的自我覺察,經歷深刻的自我認同,並透過族語教學進入原住民族的公共領域,實現社會參與。 透過兩位族語老師的生命故事,提供創作者身為都市原住民女性在文化探索這條路上有更多的反思與觀照,也期待讓更多人理解,語言之於原住民族,是自我認同及族群關係的重要連結。


Abstract The goal of this production project, Teaching Indigenous Languages as Everyday Life: the Stories of Two “inas” in Taipei, is to follow and document two female teachers, Ljemingas (杜珞琳, Paiwan tribe) and Legeane Kasepelane (柯菊華, Lukai tribe), teaching indigenous languages in Taipei. By teaching indigenous languages in urban area, they also inherit the tradition of indigenous culture and knowledge and pass them to the next generation. They fulfill the goal of social participation, while entering into the area of public affairs for indigenous in Taiwan. The finished product is a 40-minute documentary. It has been publicly shown in three sessions. Audience admires their insistence and hard-working, while at the same time appreciating the effort for Taiwan indigenous peoples to preserve languages and tradition. It is the belief of the director that the contribution of these two and many other indigenous language teachers should be greatly promoted. The more audience watches the documentary like this, the more people will recognize the effort and struggle of indigenous female living in urban areas in pursuing their high ideals on holding to the tradition and the diversity of indigenous culture in Taiwan.


林道生( 1995)。(荷蘭人治台期的原住民政策),《山海文化雙月刊》,8:107-109
林瑞玲,(2010)。語言使用與族群認同的可能關係:以中壢市新新國小之家長為例的經驗研究 ,(博碩士論文,國立交通大學,2010)

