  • 學位論文


A Study on The Labour Relations of The Gig Economy

指導教授 : 張其恆


零工經濟勞動關係之型態與特性與過往勞動關係產生極大衝突與矛盾,本文藉由零工經濟形成與概念了解零工經濟之出現與發展情況後,盤點各國在勞動地位與社會保障之議題上之困境與因應方式並發現幾個特點1零工經濟發達地區越能看見零工經濟之全貌且因發展較為全面在處理勞動問題之案例較多,故更積極解決勞動爭議進而出現較多突破性進展,如加州AB5法案與中國網約車法案。2由政府推動零工經濟者在法規應對上較有明確之思考方向,如日本傾向以獨立承攬人處理故以保障公平交易為目標。3強調社會保障之地區在處理勞動議題上著重於如何解決保障不足之問題,故衍生多元的社會保障處理途徑,如德國藝術家基金、比利時由政府向平台課稅提供勞動保障等。 細究各國執著於二問題意識之理由在於平台透過科技工具管理勞動過程與零工經濟「顧客(商家)–平台–勞動者」之三方(多方)勞動關係與以往就服機構之三方勞動關係不同,故藉由探究平台角色發現科技從屬性之存在與平台具就服機構之特性但已無法適用舊有規定,而為解決新勞動型態之問題本文建議從聯合雇主概念擴張雇主概念並從彈性安全之概念找尋勞動者真正需保障之地方讓市場與保障兼具彈性。


The type and characteristics of labor relations in the gig economy are in great conflict and contradiction with the previous labor relations. In this paper, through understanding the emergence and development of the gig economy. We focus on the issues of labor status and social security in various countries and find several characteristics: 1The more developed countries have seen the full picture of the gig economy and labour disputes also increased accordingly, so they have more motivative to deal with that and get some breakthough process, eg AB5.2 The government promotes the gig economy, which has a clear direction of thinking in terms of regulations, like Japan.3Regions that emphasize social security focus on how to solve the gig workers inadequate protection, and therefore have diversified ways of dealing with social security, such as the German Artists' Fund and Belgium government provides labor protection to platform taxation. The reason for countries' insistence on two issues is that platfrom use technology to control labour process and the tripartite (multi-party) labor relationship of "customer (merchant)-platform-laborer" in the gig economy is different from the previous tripartite labor relationship of employment service organizations. Therefore, through exploring the role of the platform to find out the existence of technological subordination and the platform have the characteristics of an employment service agency, but rules are not fit with the gig economy. To solve the problem of the new labor type, this paper proposes to clarify the employer's responsibility from the concept of joint the employers and to find out the real need of protection for workers from the concept of flexible safety, so that both market and protection can be flexible.


一、 書籍
(一) 中文書目
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