  • 學位論文


Study on Government Lawyer -The Case of Ministry of National Defense R.O.C.

指導教授 : 姜世明


我國多年來致力於研究在各公務部門設置政府律師職位,以延攬具有一定職業經驗之律師以公務員身份加入機關,或由各部會現有具備律師資格之公務員轉任,作為各部會之政府律師,以提供行政機關法律諮詢意見、參與法律案之研擬、擔任訴訟代理人及其他相關法律事務協處。109年1月15日總統公布修正「律師法」第41條規定,開放法制上准許律師兼任公務員之特別規定。110年11月25日考試院院會通過「專門職業及技術人員轉任公務人員條例」第12條修正草案,鬆綁專技轉任制度,各機關得視業務需要,設置公職律師職務,因此,現今政府機關設置政府律師已存有法源依據。 然縱使相關法令修正,我國對於是否採行此種制度尚未有定論,其中存有疑義之處包含,是否有設置之必要性?各機關是否確有設置需求?政府律師工作內容、執行業務方式為何?政府律師兼具公務員與律師雙重身分,是否會有互相扞格之處?政府律師適用之法規是否與一般律師不同?政府律師之權利義務是否與一般律師相同?以上種種問題因國內各機關、學界均尚未取得共識,導致我國現今仍未能設置政府律師之職位。 我國國防部基於機關需求、內部人才留用、吸納外界律師力量等原因,亦得推行軍職政府律師制度。雖然我國軍職人員之任用與總員額,並不受公務人員人事銓敘法規及中央政府機關總員額之限制,亦無涉考試院銓敘業務,故在法規與制度面較為彈性,然因軍人並非一般公務員,具備更高度之服從性,此與律師職務之獨立性將產生適用疑義。本文作者以軍法官作為軍職政府律師為主要探討方向,進行研究並提出相關配套措施之建議,期使在國防部較為單純之軍職環境下,得以發揮政府律師預期之成效。


Taiwan has been committed to establishing “Government Lawyer” system. With this mechanism being founded, public sector may recruit practiced lawyers as public officials, and public servants with certificate of bar examination may transfer to government lawyers as well. The task of government lawyer is to assist with legal affairs, including providing legal advice, drafting bills, or being the legal representatives and so on. On January 15th 2020, the President announced the amendment to Article 41 of Attorney Regulation Act, allowing practiced lawyers to hold a concurrent post as public servant. On November 25th 2021, the Examination Yuan passed the draft amendment to Article 12 of Act of Professional and Technical Transfer to Civil Service, so that agencies can set up government lawyer posts to meet its’ operational need accordingly. However, even with amendments to relevant laws and regulations, the academic and practical communities have not yet reached a conclusion of whether to adopt such a system. Questions about the necessity and supporting policies of this mechanism, and the rights and obligations of the government lawyers, are left unanswered. Such doubt has led to the fact that no posts have been set up so far. Based on the actual needs and to attract the talented, Ministry of National Defense intends to implement the system, creating posts of military government lawyers. The appointments and active strength of military are not bound by laws that regulate civil service, and that makes it comparatively flexible for MND to adopt this system. Nevertheless, the fact that military is more obedient than other public servants raises doubt about the credibility of military government lawyer. This study mainly discusses how Judge Advocates could practice as government lawyers, meanwhile trying to come up with advice regarding supporting policies, hoping this government lawyer system could take effect in the military.


