  • 學位論文


The Socialization of The Army and The Leadership of Cadres: Influence and Countermeasures

指導教授 : 周德宇


隨著社會的變遷及科技的進步,軍隊在社會中的地位,正在經歷重大變革,因為地緣政治的關係,我國地處亞洲各強國利益的中樞位置,國防武力是我們必須面對的問題,每年的國防預算都占國家總預算的大多數,除了軍隊的訓練與武器的獲得可以增加整體戰力外,部隊的管理也是重要的課題。 由於近年來少子化以及社會化的影響,年輕人進入軍隊後,在適應上出現許多的問題,這不僅是部隊管理者必須解決的問題,更會影響整個國家戰力的來源,領導者的管理方針便是目前部隊中較欠缺的部分,本文將探討軍隊社會化對領導統御之影響,並說明社會化的定義與領導統御的關聯性,並舉例以色列及美國之兵役制度與我國之比較,探討其優缺點。 本文應用個案研究分析國軍上級與下級間領導統御之關係及標竿比較方法,比較各國兵役制度所衍生的問題,並探討我國軍隊社會化的問題,運用Moore(1995)的策略三角形,衡量各方面的缺點與支援能量,以提供決策者最佳方案,解決軍隊所面臨管理上的問題。 本文研究成果不僅可以提升整體軍隊之榮譽感與國人對軍人的價值觀,無論在服役期間或是退伍以後,可以提供完善的管理制度與服務精神,以延續國家總體利益,創造整體公共價值。


With the advancement of science and technology alongside with a vibrant democracy progress, ROC’s armed forces’ presence and perception in the contemporary society have undergone historic changes. Positioned in a sensitive geopolitical context, Taiwan is constantly facing an international power struggle. Building a capable national defense then becomes a nonnegligible problem. While the national defense budget, which the acquisition of new weapons takes the central stage, accounts for a significant portion of the country’s total budget, the overall combat readiness still fall on the realization of military leadership. Due to the impact of declining birthrate and a post-modern socialization in recent years, young people have encountered many challenges in adapting to the life and work after signing up for the all-volunteer force. This thesis postulates that the impact of socialization of new recruits is casting a burden on military leadership. An international case study is performed with respect to the development of issues arising in Israel and the United States. This thesis then applies a case study approach through a survey to analyze the leadership effectiveness between superiors and subordinates in the military. Employing Mark Moore's public value model emphasizing values (V), capacity (C) and support (M) dimensions, we measure the relationship between socializing factors (S) with respect to Moore’s V-C-M strategic triangle. We propose several policy initiatives such as reshaping management structure, improving recruiting channels, bettering retirement transition and promoting a more diversified learning experience, to enhance the military leadership and as a consequence to create higher public values to the society as a whole.


內政部統計處(2019)。內政部統計年報。109年4月19日,取自: https://www.moi.gov.tw/files/site_stuff/321/2/year/year.html。
全國法規資料庫(2013)。軍事審判法。109年3月4日,取自於: https://law.moj.gov.tw/LawClass/LawAll.aspx?pcode= F0120008。
李政峰 (2011)。警政機關犯罪預防策略規劃之研究─以機車烙碼為例。中央警察大學犯罪防治研究所博士論文。未出版,桃園縣。
