  • 學位論文


Deception and Interaction Strategies in Online Dating

指導教授 : 蘇蘅


近年來網路交友已成為社會現象之一,其中欺瞞(deception)更是網路交友過程中逐漸被重視的議題。過去研究分析欺瞞的類型主要係以修飾個人外貌,包含身高、體重、照片等敘事內容為主,惟如將網路交友的情境納入考量,網路交友的參與者在何種情境下採取欺瞞?參與者又是如何與交友軟體協作,生產欺瞞敘事?遂引起本研究動機。 本研究以印象管理、欺瞞敘事(deception),以及能供性 affordance)理論為核心,將網路交友參與者採取欺瞞的動機,以「不同的互動階段」與「感知」加以分類,並總結交友軟體的能供性,歸納為「社會線索面」與「互動面」。 本研究採取質性研究中之深度訪談法以及三角檢核法,訪談曾經使用Tinder或Pikabu,使用經驗持續1週以上,且曾經因此與其他參與者建立互動關係者,共訪問10人。 研究發現,欺瞞敘事不僅係參與者基於提升自我吸引力與印象管理的策略,欺瞞敘事亦具備社交管理功能,參與者以之促進彼此互動,亦可用以保護自我隱私與安全。在參與者採取欺瞞的過程中,因為面臨被線下檢驗的壓力,而須在真實與理想、本真與欺瞞間,不斷地進行動態調節。 此外,本研究亦分析,欺瞞敘事產生的情境,與參與者感知以及交友軟體能供性對應結果密切相關;能供性與參與者感知不論係相互對應或因能供性侷限而無法對應,皆是欺瞞敘事被產製的情境。此外,交友軟體的能供性也影響了參與者的展演策略,交友軟體的結構規則,限制了 男性參與者的能供性對應,形成了不同群體間的權力落差;同時,權力的落差也改變了個體的使用位置,男性參與者必須藉由採取協商式的使用位置,調整自我揭露的策略。


In recent years, online dating has become one of the social phenomena, among which deception has become a common strategy for online dating. This study explores that deceptive self-presentation including underreport weight, exaggerate height, or use attractive photograph, based on the deception theory. But considering the context of online dating, what do people exaggerate or fabricate their characteristics in an attempt to create their desired impression? How they use dating apps engage in deceptive self-presentation? This study focuses on impression management, deception and affordance theory, and categorizes online dating participants' motivations of deception by "different interaction stages" and "perceptions. The author wants to sum up the affordances of dating apps as "social cues" and "interactions" at the same time. This study adopted qualitative research of the in-depth interview method. The interviews were conducted with 10 interviewers who had used Tinder or Pikabu for more than 1 week, and had established an interactive relationship with other participants. This study finds that deception is not only a strategy for participants to enhance self-attraction and impression management, but also as a social management tool for increasing interaction, protecting privacy and safety in online dating. Participants must adjust their interaction strategies from time to time between the virtual and reality. The findings also demonstrate that affordances and participants’ perception correspond to each other due to its design priority with the affordance preset by online dating apps. This indicates that the affordances of dating apps affect the participants’ performance strategies. The dating apps interface design not only limit of affordances for male participants, but also the power divide between different gender groups and also use apps. As a result, male participants have to adjust their self-disclosure strategy in compromising way.


孔德廉(2019年8月15日)。掛睡、共食、無痛社交──網路世代用線上陪伴App應對寂寞【部落格文字資料】。取自 https://www.twreporter.org/a/new-close-relationships-net-generation-dating-apps
孔德廉(2019年8月15日)。當寂寞經濟成形、親密關係「無體溫化」,專家怎麼看?【部落格文字資料】。取自 https://www.twreporter.org/a/new-close-relationships-loneliness-economy-expert-opinion
