  • 學位論文


A Study On the 4-Column-3-Window Façade of Street House - Dihua St. In Taipei City.

指導教授 : 胥直強


迪化街為台北地區保存最完整的歷史街區之一。根據現場修復狀況及申請修復之報告書內容,發現其中有關四柱三窗立面的法令規定仍有許多疑點。 過去的文獻對於街屋立面多著重於裝飾手法以及沿街風貌的探討,鮮少針對構造方面做討論,因此本研究以構造角度建立出一套分析方式進行現況調查,建立完整的資料庫,並找出四柱三窗立面構件的規則性。 將法令所規定的比例套用於實際案例,本研究發現不符合的案例佔多數。因為法令對於立面式樣的分類、構件範圍的界定、比例的相互關係、構件的組合方式,未說明詳盡以致於修復仍產生許多比例問題。 經由彙整的資料結果,本研究針對各種式樣、類型、構造組合模式、比例範圍以及與鄰戶交接方式,提出一套適用於立面新建或是部分修建的設計內容及程序,並實際以案例進行模擬。 從研究中發現,四柱三窗的構件規則不只是一套水平方向的數字比例規定,還應包含垂直方向的構件開口比例,以及從剖面角度來探討構件的連接關係。本研究建議未來法令朝立面的式樣類型、構件組合方式及比例關係等方面作調整,發展出更適合迪化街四柱三窗立面修復的參考依據。


Di-Hua Street is one of the areas which preserve lots of historic relics including the 4-column-3-window façades in Taipei. In the governmental reports about the 4-column-3-window façades on Di-Hua Street, however, there are many questionable parts of the architectural regulations, which leads to the troubles of reconstructing this type of building. Most literature focused on the various decoration styles of buildings like buildings with 4-column-3-window façade and rarely probed into their construction domain. This study specifically explores the construction of the 4-column-3-window façades and finds the patterns of the interaction relationship among the different constructional components to establish a more integral data base. If the current rules or regulations are used to examine the structure of the 4-column-3-window façades on Di-Hua Street, a high portion of those buildings will appear to be out of the law. Moreover, since the current rules and regulations are unclear about matters such as the classifications of diverse kinds of façades, the limited boundary of the building components, the relative proportions among the building components, and the assembling ways of the building components, many problems cannot be avoided while the 4-column-3-window façades are under reconstruction.


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[33] 呂大吉建築師事務所,迪化街一段69號,2007年12月
[35] 呂大吉建築師事務所,迪化街一段79號,2007年10月
[40] 呂大吉建築師事務所,迪化街一段125號,2009年4月
[42] 呂大吉建築師事務所,迪化街一段141號,2007年5月


