  • 學位論文


The three dimensional flow simulation of the groyne was established on the spur dikes

指導教授 : 陳彥璋


由於過去對於規劃整治河川時,通常只考慮整治後對周遭人類生活機制的改善或影響,往往缺乏思索工程整治與防範後,對於溪流中原本之生態所帶來的衝擊與影響層面。然而慶幸的是,人們對於過去所未考慮的問題以及所犯的錯誤,在諸多專家與研究學者努力推展多層面的維護環境變遷後,逐漸的溪流中河川生態的問題著實被加以重視與重新檢討,故生態工法的提出也因此而備受關注。 生態工法中之丁壩除了具有造岸及保護河岸特性之外,其後方之緩流區提供了魚類洪泛時期最佳之避難空間,故對於生態環境的復育有其正面的影響。然丁壩工之設計長度、寬度及高度等,應配合溪流河幅、基流量等因素,於施工前應進行詳細之三維流場數值模擬,方能藉由三維流場數值模擬完整模擬並找出生態系中水生生物適合之棲地與流場特性。 本研究將以有限元素分析法Femlab軟體進行三維流場之數值模擬與分析。期望藉此建構出生態丁壩中的設計參數,將生態或生物學語言化為工程設計規劃使用之原理,使工程人員具有生態工法設計之相關依據,並對近年來蓬勃發展之生態工法能有所裨益。


The hydraulic engineering to be practiced as usual seldom considers the impact of the hydraulic structure on the ecosystem. It is the time to apply the ecological engineering to restore our streams which are disturbed by human activities. When we are going to restore a stream, both factors of safety and ecology have to be considered. In this study, we focus on developing three-dimensional mathematical models for various groyne designs and using FEMLAB, a commercial software based on Finite Element Method (FEM), to solve the system of coupled nonlinear partial differential eqations. From the numerical simulation results, we realize how to determine the proper position, size of the groyne and to understand the three-dimensional flow field of the ecological groyne. We hope engineering and ecologists are getting together to solve the ecological problems by technological means. The ecological groyne parameters of hydraulic structures can bridge the gage between engineers and ecologists.


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