  • 學位論文

閩南式寺廟古蹟建築火災潛勢落點之研究 -以臺北縣新莊市寺廟古蹟為例

Fire Potential Spots of Taiwanese Historical Temples -A Case Study of Shin Juang,Taipei County

指導教授 : 施邦築


本研究主要探討閩南式寺廟古蹟建築火災潛勢落點,以現代生活行為模式,檢討潛藏於寺廟古蹟中之火災危險因子,故提出本研究。避免寺廟古蹟,因與原先建築時之建造使用方法不同及後來環境改變,而造就火災潛勢落點的提升。 本研究以維護寺廟古蹟文化資產之前提下,茲就寺廟古蹟周圍環境改變之影響、寺廟古蹟電氣化設備大量使用及寺廟古蹟使用管理型態上之不同,這三種形態之改變,來探討並評定火災潛勢落點,針對上述火災潛勢落點分別以室內周圍環境、室外周圍環境、電氣化設備使用及使用管理型態四部分統合整理成火災潛勢危險議題。   彙整寺廟古蹟現況火災潛勢危險因子並提出相關對策及作為,在積極作為中,提出主動式防火技術「選用適當之消防安全設備」、被動式防火技術「適時引入防火材料、區劃設計防止延燒,並以人員最短之避難動線設計考量」及「設立專才防火管理人之機制」;在消極作為提出區域聯防觀念建置「建置古蹟睦鄰救援隊」、建置消防派出所觀念「讓消防人員了解轄區之文化資產保存重點,落實消防風水師制度」及「平時消防搶救情境之演練」。


This study focus on the fire spots of Taiwanese-style temples and monuments. As the intended use of the temples and monuments is different to when it was originally constructed and subsequent change in environment. This study reviews the fire risk factors hidden in the temples and monuments, based on modern life behavior, as to prevent the increase of fire spots in temples and monuments. Based on the premise of protecting temples and monuments as historical cultural assets, this study investigates and assesses the potential fire spots from the changes of the following 3 factors: The influence of environmental change of temples and monument surroundings; Temples and monument’s excessive use of electrical equipment and; the change in management attitude of the temples and monument’s use. The above potential fire spots are further integrated and organized into the following four potential fire risk issues: Indoor environment, outdoor environment, use of electrical equipment and usage management attitude. To compile the current status of potential fire risk factor and proposing related countermeasures and methods. In passive action, propose active fire technology 「use of appropriate fire safety equipment」, Passive fire technology 「timely introduction of fire protection material; zoning designed to prevent continuous burning; the shortest personnel evacuation route as design consideration」and the establishment of professional body for fire managers In passive action, propose to build co-op zoning concept「establish good-neighborly monument rescue team」, build Fire station concept 「allow fire fighters to understand the key points of cultural heritage preservation, implementation of fire feng shui system」 and normal fire rescue scenario exercise.


