  • 學位論文


The Development of Total Foot Laser Scanning Measuring System

指導教授 : 汪家昌


在客製化鞋楦、鞋墊、鞋的市場上,取得使用者足部模型為必要的步驟。而長期以來,鞋類產品的合腳性問題,如要設計出一雙合腳的鞋子,除了要瞭解合腳性問題本身所包含的範圍,更應該瞭解腳型特徵尺寸之間的對應關係。在現代由於足鞋為行走時的重要工具,每個人應擁有其專屬的鞋楦來製造鞋,也就有了3D足形量測的需求。 本論文主要研究目地為開發一套低成本可「商品化的雷射掃描3D全足形量測系統」, 其是用3組線雷射光投影於足部表面並讓六臺camera攝影機擷取足部影像,將拍攝的每張足部影像上雷射的曲度變化,配合格雷碼來判斷行程位置,將拍攝的每張圖片經過影像變形校正處理後建立三維模型。本機臺所使用的元件都是使用市面易取得的線雷射與camera攝影機,配合高強度的鋁擠及強化玻璃做為機臺架構,可使待測者能安穩站在平臺上進行量測,量測機臺的外型尺寸為680×380×300 mm3 ,可量測最大範圍為400×150×150 mm3,單程掃描時間約10秒,量測解析度在足平面的XY方向為1 mm,在足高度的Z方向為1 mm。


On market of customized shoe last、insoles、shoes, it’s necessary to make users to customerize his foot model. For long time, fitness issues of footwear products, such as to design a pair of shoes, includ, should understanding the corresponding relationship between foot feature size . In moden the shoe is important while users walking, everyone should have his shoes last to manufacture shoes according to the data collected from 3D total shape measuring system. This research is to develop a low-cost "3D total foot shape laser measurement system commercializaed" The proposed method of this research uses six cameras to capture images of the plantar surface which has been projected by 3 line lasers. The images will also contain the pre-labeled gray code information. Because of the image distortion, it is necessary to calibrate and reconstruct the images. After that, these images can be used to reconstruct a 3D plantar shape. The dimension of the developed scanner is 680×380×300 mm3, maximum measurement range is 440×150×150 mm3, and the measuring time approximate 10 seconds. The measuring resolution in the XY direction is 1 mm, in Z direction is 1 mm.


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