  • 學位論文


A Humanity-Oriented Study on the Disaster Prevention for Taiwan Indigenous Peoples

指導教授 : 施邦築


臺灣具有豐富多元之原住民文化資源,堪為無價之國寶,然而近年天災頻仍,原住民地區迭有災害發生,加速惡化原住民生活條件,致使原鄉青壯人口外流情形增加。此一現象不僅加重原鄉防救災之弱勢程度,更令原住民族語言、文化迅速流失,傳統中斷無以為繼…等現況雪上加霜,造成國家難以挽回之無形損失。 近年學界、研究機構與公部門陸續運用科學方法,針對原住民地區分析其地理環境條件,充實、精進災害防救相關設施設備及技術。然而台灣原住民族群文化、語言及風俗習慣各異,對於渠等人文特質與防救災之關連性,卻鮮少進行相關研究。本研究從人文觀點出發,針對原住民地區之人口結構等五項特質,探討其防救災所面臨之問題。希冀由前揭各面向之問題分析,尋求適合原住民地區各項防救災政策之推動方式,俾供政府機關與社會各界參考。 研究發現原鄉各項人文特質與衍生之問題:原漢人口及老人身障人口比率,衍生資源分配問題並提高原鄉弱勢程度;政府政策與原住民生活習慣、土地情感多所衝突;原漢語言差異與溝通問題,導致防救災作為事倍功半;歲時祭儀有78%以上在汛期舉行,增加潛在保全對象;政府長年以行政制度取代傳統部落制度,降低原住民自主防災的能力。研究最後提出六項結論與建議:防救災工作者要具備文化能力;人口結構關乎原鄉防救災資源分配與成效;原住民生活習慣與土地情感宜以同理心看待;語言差異與溝通問題應由原漢共同努力拉近;原住民族歲時祭儀時應加強應變計畫;政府防救災作為宜結合部落組織與制度。


人文 原住民 防救災


Taiwan has a rich and diverse cultural resources of indigenous peoples, and they are priceless national treasures. However, frequent natural disasters happen in recent years, and many of them occur in aboriginal areas, accelerating the deterioration of the living conditions of indigenous peoples, causing the increase of the situation of the outflow of young aboriginal population. This phenomenon not only aggravates the weak disadvantage of disaster precaution and relief of aboriginals, even speed up the loss of aboriginal language and culture,tradition will be interrupted and unsustainable…etc,making current situation worse, causing the country 's irreparable and intangible losses. In recent years, academic,research institutions and the public sectors continue to use the scientific methods to analyze the enrichment of geographical areas for indigenous environmental conditions, sophisticated facilities and equipment related to disaster prevention and protection and technology. However, Taiwan's indigenous ethnic culture, language and customs vary, but few related studies exist for humanistic qualities associated with disaster prevention. The study is from the viewpoints of the humanities, for five areas of aspects such as population structure of aboriginal areas, to discuss the problems of disaster prevention and relief. We hope we can seek the suitable ways of promoting the disaster prevention policies in aboriginal areas of the foresaid analysis of all the problems mentioned above, as the references for the government agencies and the communities. The study found out that the derivatives problems and each humanistic quality in aboriginal areas: the ratio of population of indigenous peoples to Hans, elderly and disabled, derived resource allocation problems and aggravate vulnerable degree in aboriginal areas; the conflicts between government policies and aboriginal living habits and the emotions related to the land; language differences and problems of communication between indigenous peoples and Hans, leading to disaster prevention and rescue to getting half the result with twice the effort; more than 78% of annual ceremonies held in the flood season, increasing the potential preservation targets of the object; many years, the government uses administrative system to replace the traditional tribal system, reducing the ability of disaster prevention by indigenous peoples themselves. By the end of the study, six research conclusions and recommendations are given: disaster prevention and rescue workers need to have cultural competence; demographic structure is related to effectiveness and resource allocation of disaster prevention and rescue in aboriginal areas; living habits and the emotions of the land need to be treated by empathy; language differences and communication problems should be moved closer by joint efforts of indigenous peoples and Hans; strengthened contingency plans at annual aboriginal ceremonies should be held; government disaster prevention plans should be combined with tribal organizations and systems.


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