  • 學位論文


Study on Sunscreen Agent Properties of Spherical Boron Nitride Composite Powder

指導教授 : 蘇程裕


本研究針對將二氧化鈦、雲母及氮化硼等初始材料,利用球化技術,製備其球型氮化硼複合粉體。並將對初始粉體及球型複合粉體做X光繞射、掃描式電子顯微鏡、粒徑分析、吸油度及白度分析。另外將初始粉體及球型複合粉體混合到亞麻仁油,製備成乳液做為防曬保護之應用,其製備乳液使用紫外 - 可見光 - 近紅外光譜,防曬係數測試儀,和熱導率測試儀進行分析。 實驗結果顯示,相態分析部分,球化製程後經過熱處理的複合粉體,沒有相態轉變發生。粒徑分析部分,所製備球型複合粉體,其粒徑分佈沒有明顯差異;對應其初始粉體,球型複合粉體NUM8B2製備成BB霜,擁有最高的防曬能力SPF 2.3。球型複合粉體DM2B8製備成乳液,擁有最高的吸油度167.4 g/100g及熱傳導0.51 W/mK。 本研究以物理性防曬氮化硼粉體為主,經由氮化硼粉體添加使用,到配方設計、製程加工到最終的光學及防曬檢測,建立一套完整的流程,研發其氮化硼多元複合材料。結果顯示,球型複合粉體相較於初始粉體,不僅具有良好的吸油和近紅外吸收能力,也有較為優異的導熱性。除此之外,球型複合粉體其防曬保護性能也優於初始粉體或是奈米二氧化鈦。


In the present study, the spray drying process was used to prepare spherical composite powders starting from TiO2、mica and h-BN powders. The starting and the as-prepared powders were examined by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, particle size analyzer, spectrophotometer, and oil absorption analysis. Particle size distribution, crystalline phases, whiteness, These powders were then mixed into linseed oil to prepare an emulsion for sunscreen protection application. The resultant emulsions were examined using UV-Visible -Near Infra-red (NIR) spectroscopy, sun protection factor tester, and thermal conductivity tester. In the present study shows,No phase transformation can be observed during the spray drying process and the following heat treatment. Spherical composite powders exhibited a similar particle size distribution. the BB cream prepared by adding NUM8B2 composite powder exhibited the highest SPF of 2.3, whereas the emulsion prepared usingDM2B8 composite powder possessed the best oil absorption of 167.4 g/100g and thermal conductivity of 0.51 W/m?K.based on a physical sunscreen formula designed to add boron nitride materials, the machining process to the end of the optical, and sunscreen detection, the establishment of a complete set of processes, research and development of its boron nitride multiple composite,The experimental results show that spherical composite powder prepared by spray drying not only possess good oil and NIR absorption ability, but also thermal conductivity. The emulsion prepared by spherical composite powders exhibits superior sunscreen protection performance compared to its starting counterparts or nano-TiO2.


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