  • 學位論文


A Study on Geopolymer used in Fire Resistance of Wood

指導教授 : 吳傳威


研究顯示,無機聚合物具有良好耐高溫效能。木材為優良建築材料,惟其易受火災影響而損壞其構造。本研究採用2公分厚度之無機聚合物包覆於木材表面,希望藉由無機聚合物耐火隔熱性能達到木材耐火之目的。實驗過程中發現無機聚合物易因體積收縮產生裂縫而影響使用性與耐火性能,故採用延長拆模時間、試體養護與配置玻璃纖維網等三種方式改善,期望能抑制裂縫發生或縮小裂縫寬度。經實驗結果證明確實能有效改善裂縫發生情形,並大幅減少裂縫寬度。 在273℃耐火試驗部分,90及120分鐘時段試體均無炭化層形成,故無機聚合物包覆木材試體可有效隔絕熱源,達到保護木材之目的;573℃耐火試驗部分,90分鐘實驗造成正方形試體最大炭化深度14mm、L形試體最大炭化深度6.5mm、圓形試體最大炭化深度13.6mm,此證實2公分厚度無機聚合物對木材耐火性能提升有顯著之功用,並可有效延長救災時間,並使大面積非集成材之梁柱構架木構造增加殘餘斷面積,以保持應有之強度,避免短時間遭焚毀。故無機聚合物運用於木材耐火上確能達到相當效果,值得後續持續研究。


Studies have shown that geopolymer with good high temperature resistance. Wood is good construction materials, but it also affected by the fire, and caused damage to it's structure. In the study, the wood be coated with 2cm thick of geopolymer, hope to achieve the purpose of fire-proof timber, by using the fire- resistanct and heat insulation properties of geopolymer . During the experiment, discovered that geopolymer would easy cracked by shrinking volume, it impacted usability and fire-resistant properties, so try extend form removal time, curing, and setting configuration of glass fiber web three ways to improve, expect to inhibit cracks or decrease the width of cracks. Experiment results shows that it decrease the chances of occurring cracks and reduces the width of cracks significantly indeed. In 273 degrees fire resistance testing, there is no carbonization zone formed on specimens during 90 and 120 minutes periods, so geopolymer coated around the wood can isolate heat in effect, reached the purpose of protecting wood. In 573 degrees fire resistance testing, 90 minutes experiment caused maximum carbonization depth 14mm in square specimen. L shape specimen maximum carbonization reached depth 6.5mm. Cylinder specimen attained maximum carbonization depth 13.6mm. These confirmed that 2cm thick geopolymer used in upgrading wood refractory performance has significant function, and can also extend the rescue time, makes large areas of non-timber post and timber beam frames construction to keep strength they should have, in order to increase effective sectional area, avoid being burned for a short time. So geopolymer using in fire resistance of Wood truly reached to a considerable effect, and it's worth to keep researching in the future.


Geopolymer wood wooden buildings crack glass fiber web


