  • 學位論文


Effects of Public Nuisance Petitions – A Case Study on Taipei city

指導教授 : 章裕民


由於極少有相關研究以較為具體之資料探討行政院環境保護署環保報案中心實際運作時的服務效能,因而難以瞭解其運作之實際效果。本研究的目的在於透過對陳情案件的相關次級資料進行統計分析以瞭解公害陳情案件類型與陳情管道、季節之間的關聯性,並期望透過研究之結果對於現行之公害陳情案件處理模式提出可能之改善建議。本研究資料來源為2012年台北市公害陳情案件統計記錄,記錄方式以各月份為單位,再依據季節、公害陳情案件類別及公害陳情回報管道進行分類後,透過卡方檢定(Chi-Squared test)及適合度檢定(Chi-Squared test for goodness-of-fit)來分析公害陳情案件類型與案件受理管道類型及季節之間的關聯性。本研究的重要發現如下: 1. 公害陳情案件類型與季節之間存在統計上的相關性(χ2=146.6, p<0.001)。 2. 公害陳情案件類型與案件受理管道之間存在統計上的相關性(χ2=310.1, p<0.001)。 3. 噪音陳情案件在四季間的分布差異呈現統計上的顯著性(p<0.001),在一年十二個月份中的分布差異亦呈現統計上的顯著性(p<0.001)。 本研究建議應加強針對噪音陳情案件的稽查並視季節或月份調整公害稽查方向,藉以滿足市民對於減少公害事件的需求。


Due to the few amounts of studies aiming at understanding the effectiveness of the services provided by Environmental Protection Services Center of Environmental Protection Agency of Executive Yuan integrated while it operated in reality with realistically quantified data, it’s hard to reveal how Environmental Protection Services Center operated practically. The objective of this study was to explore the association between public nuisance types and channels for petitions and the association between public nuisance types and seasons through the statistical analyses of relevant secondary data; then the researcher was willing to address the improvement recommendations for models dealing with petitions for public nuisance cases at present through the results of this study. The data source of this study came from the records of public nuisance petitions in Taipei, accumulated and organized by Sanitation Inspection Division, Department of Environmental Protection, Taipei City Government. The data of those records were divided monthly and classified according to season, types of public nuisance and channels for petitions separately; then the data classified were analyzed to explore the association among types of public nuisance, channels for petitions and seasons through Chi-Squared test and Chi-Squared test for goodness-of-fit. The major findings were listed as the following: 1. Types of public nuisance petiotions were statistically associated with the seasons (χ2=146.6, p<0.001). 2. Types of public nuisance petiotions were statistically associated with channels for petitions (χ2=310.1, p<0.001) 3. The distribution of the petition cases for noise was statistically significantly different among the seasons (p<0.001); so was the distribution of the petition cases for noise among 12 months. The author suggested that the inspections for noise should be reinforced and strategies of inspections for public nuisance should be modified according to the data collected monthly or seasonally to fulfill the citizens’ need for decresing the public nuisance events.


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