  • 學位論文


Application of Optimization Algorithms to Multiple Kinect Integration in Construction of Operation Posture Hazard Assessment System

指導教授 : 田方治


長期不良姿勢、過度的施力、高重複性的工作而造成肌肉骨骼傷病之情形普遍存在於各種勞動行業之中。為了改善因姿勢不良而引起的職業傷病,必須透過各種作業姿勢評估工具來評估工作姿勢帶來之危害。然而,傳統之評估方法以錄影法以及直接觀測法為主,使用傳統的方法會耗費大量的人力與時間。 透過Kinect擷取人體關節座標,並且結合作業評估工具開發一套自動化作業姿勢危害評估系統,可以有效解決傳統評估方法耗費人力與時間之問題。然而由於Kinect拍攝範圍有限,並且受測人員進行作業時,在某些角度節點會被自體遮蔽或外物遮蔽,導致Kinect無法準確取得關節點的座標資訊,造成自動化作業姿勢危害評估系統之評估產生錯誤。 本研究之目的為使用多台Kinect以不同角度進行拍攝,並利用最佳化演算法將多台Kinect之座標轉換到同一座標系,最後再整合多台Kinect所擷取之骨架資訊,以解決遮蔽之問題,以利分析與評估各種作業姿勢之危害風險。


Musculoskeletal injuries caused by Long-term poor posture, excessive force, highly repetitive work are common in all kinds of labor among industries. In order to improve occupational injuries caused by poor posture, working posture must be assessed by a variety of tools. However, the traditional methods of assessment are in recording and direct observation method based, will spend a lot of manpower and time. Capturing the human joints coordinates by Kinect, and combining with operation assessment tool to develop an automated posture operation hazard assessment system can improve the problem of the traditional methods which manpower and time consuming. However, due to the limited Kinect shooting range, and obscuring human joints by body or foreign objects, causing Kinect coordinate information can’t capture joints precisely, resulting in automated posture operation hazard assessment system error. The purpose of this study was to use multiple Kinect to shoot in different locations and using Optimization Algorithms to convert the coordinate of multiple kinect to the same coordinate system, and finally Integrate the skeleton information which capture by multiple Kinect, to facilitate the analysis and evaluation of various operating hazards pose risks.


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