  • 學位論文


The study of titanium dioxide working electrodes for dye sensitize solar cell with experimental design methodology

指導教授 : 楊重光


本論文主要以使用網版印刷方式製備染料敏化太陽能電池工作電極,並比較商業用二氧化鈦(P25、P90、ST-01、ST-21)各種組合以實驗設計法來探討以何種比例配方所製備的二氧化鈦漿料能使染料敏化太陽能電池的效率最高。先以實驗設計法有效分配四種商業化二氧化鈦粉末的克數比重,再將此計算結果來配制二氧化鈦漿料,在漿料的製作過程中使用了三滾輪,迴旋濃縮法,再把製作完成的漿料測試黏度並盡量把黏度控制在誤差範圍內,再網印至玻璃基板。 不同二氧化鈦漿料所製備的工作電極,利用反射式紫外光/可見光譜儀來量測二氧化鈦薄膜的穿透度及霧度;使用紫外光/可見光吸收光譜分析(UV/vis)檢測染料吸附量;利用原位傅立葉散射-反射紅外光光譜(DRIFTs)分析可以觀察染料分子於二氧化鈦薄膜表面吸附機制;量測光電轉換效率分析(I-V curve)可以得到電池的短路電流、開環電壓、光電轉換效率等;入射單色光子-電子轉換效率(IPCE)可以量測電池原件再不同波長下的光電轉換效率;交流阻抗分析(EIS)藉此獲知電路元件中抵抗電流流動的能力。最後根據實驗設計法實驗結果進行分析以獲得最佳二氧化鈦漿料比例配方為P25:P90:ST-01:ST21=0.45:0.38:0:0.17,其效率為5.09%。


A preparation technique of TiO2 screen-printing pastes from commercially available powders (P25, P90, ST-01, ST-21) was disclosed in order to fabricate the nanocrystalline layers with different recipes of slurry which were made up of four kinds of TiO2 powder by DOE (Design of Experiment). The TiO2 film was measured the light transmission of the prepared by using haze meter, the amount of adsorption by UV/Vis spectroscopy, the bonding between N3 dye and TiO2 surface by DRIFTs (in situ Diffuse Reflectance Infrared Fourier Transform Spectroscopy), and the photoelectric conversion efficiency by IPCE (incident monochromatic photon-to-electron conversion efficiency). Results of DOE were analyzed by the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) technique to evaluate the weighting and the correlations between the powders. Moreover, the artificial neural network (ANN) method was employed to predict the best recipe of slurry.


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