  • 學位論文


A study on motivation and adjustment of Mandarin language learning among European students in Taiwan

指導教授 : 林俊彥


歐洲人學習華語已為目前的趨勢,而近年來在臺灣歐洲籍華語學習者的人數增加很多。本研究旨在探討目前在臺灣歐洲學生華語學習動機與學習適應之情形,以及分析其華語學習動機與學習適應的關係。為了達成研究目的,本研究採取問卷調查法,以2013年春季班臺灣各大學附設華語中心招收之歐洲學生為研究對象,研究工具為「在臺歐洲學生華語學習動機與學習適應調查問卷」。本研究以立意抽樣方式,分北、中、南部三區;挑選2011年各區歐洲學生最多的二所華語中心為問卷發放對象,包括下列6所:國立臺灣師範大學國語教學中心、中國文化大學華語中心、國立中山大學華語教學中心、文藻外語學院華語中心、逢甲大學華語文教學中心、靜宜大學華語文教學中心。有效問卷144份,有效回收率95%。蒐集之資料以描述統計、t檢定、單因子變數分析、皮爾森積差相關等統計方法進行考驗。 主要研究結果包括: 一、在臺歐洲學生具有高度的華語學習動機,其中學習華語的態度與學習華語 的欲望都非常強烈,但是華語學習投入的程度則相對較爲不足。 二、華語學習動機中,在臺歐洲學生偏向被動性學習動機,主動學習的動機 相對比較弱。 三、在臺歐洲學生華語學習動機,因在臺灣已經居留時間與華語程度而有差 異,不因性別、年齡、國家而有差異。 四、在臺歐洲學生華語學習適應尚程良好,其中學生對學習環境的適應最好, 但在學習習慣的適應最需要加強。 五、在臺歐洲學生華語學習適應,年齡較長者適應程度較好;其他背景變 項,如性別、國家、在臺灣已經居留時間與華語程度則沒有發現學生有學習適應的差異。 六、在臺歐洲學生華語學習動機與學習適應具有密切的關係:學生華語學習 動機越好,則其華語學習適應亦相對較好。


In recent years, it has become a trend for European people to learn Mandarin language, that's also one of the reasons why the amount of Europeans in Taiwan has been continuously increasing. This research was undertaken to explore the current situation of motivation and adjustment of Mandarin language learning among European students in Taiwan. In order to achieve the goal of this study, method of questionnaire survey was used, the instrument was "The questionnaire on motivation and adjustment of Mandarin language learning among European students in Taiwan". Respondents were the European students taking Mandarin courses in Mandarin language centers during April 2013. The questionnaire was administered to 2 Mandarin language centers per each area of Taiwan (north, middle and south- a total of 6 centers), which attracted the largest amount of European students in 2011: National Taiwan Normal University Mandarin Training Center, Chinese Culture University Mandarin Learning Center, Sun Yat Sen University Chinese Language Center, Wenzao Ursuline College of Languages Chinese Language Center, Feng Chia University Chinese Language Center, Providence University Chinese Language Education Center. 144 copies of the questionnaire were valid and the effective response rate was 95%. Descriptive statistics, independent sample t-test, one way ANOVA and Pearson’s product-moment correlation were used to analyze the data. The important findings were as follows: 1. The European students in Taiwan appeared to be strongly motivated to learn Mandarin. Among the three dimensions of the motivation, the level of attitude toward learning Mandarin was the highest, whereas the level of motivational intensity was the lowest. 2. The motivation of relatively passive Mandarin language learning among European students in Taiwan was much stronger than the motivation of relatively active learning. 3. The variables which affected students’ motivation of Mandarin language learning were: time spent in Taiwan and level of Mandarin. The variables which didn’t have any influence were: sex, age and nationality. 4. The adjustment of Mandarin language learning was found to be good. Among the five dimensions, the level of learning environment was the highest, whereas the level of learning habits was the lowest. 5. The only variable which affected students’ adjustment of Mandarin language learning was the age: the oldest respondents appeared to have a higher level of adjustment. Sex, nationality, time spent in Taiwan and level of Mandarin didn’t have any influence to a students’ adjustment to Mandarin language learning. 6. The motivation and adjustment of Mandarin language learning among European students in Taiwan were strongly correlated: the stronger motivation was, the better adjustment was found.


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