  • 學位論文


Experimental Verification and Robustness Study of Power Management Control for Range Extended Electric Vehicle

指導教授 : 陳柏全


本文所探討之增程式電動車(REEV),搭載了引擎發電機模組(Genset),可增加電動車的行駛續航力,目前許多車廠將其視為解決電動車續航力不足問題的短期替代方案。本文利用本研究團隊發展之適應性能量管理控制策略,使用自組織模糊控制器適應性調整等效因子,將電力的使用轉換為等效燃油消耗量,再利用等效油耗最小策略找出Genset與電池之間最佳的電力分配。為了縮短控制器的開發時程與花費,本文運用硬體在迴路中(Hardware in the loop, HIL)的模擬架構,協助調校及驗證控制器。為降低硬體控制器的運算量,並將適應性能量管理控制策略以查表方法進行控制器簡化,由HIL模擬結果了解本團隊所發展之控制策略可有效改善REEV燃油經濟性,與減少電池充放電功率。對於一般電池管理系統估測SOC的不確定性具有強健性,可有效維持相較於傳統控制策略的改善程度。實車動力計測試亦證明本團隊所發展之能量管理控制策略確實可改善增程式電動車燃油經濟性。


Range extended electric vehicle (REEV) can extend its cruising distance by using the range extender which consists of engine and generator, i.e. genset. Thus, range extender is considered as a short term alternative solution to solve the current problem of insufficient cruising distance of EV. Self-organizing fuzzy controller is used to adaptively adjust the equivalence factor which is used to convert the electric power usage to equivalent fuel consumption. Then the optimum power split between the genset and battery can be obtained using equivalent consumption minimization strategy (ECMS). In order to reduce the time and cost for controller development, hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) simulation is used to calibrate and verify the controller. The proposed control strategy is simplified by establishing the look-up table for real-time control. HIL simulation results show that the proposed control strategy can improve the fuel economy of REEV and reduce the battery charging/discharging power. The proposed control strategy is also shown to be robust by maintaining the improvement percentage of the conventional control strategy with the presentence of the uncertainty of the estimated SOC from battery management system. The experimental result of the prototype vehicle using a dynamometer demonstrates that the proposed control strategy can improve the fuel economy of the REEV.


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