  • 學位論文


A Study of Management and Risk Assessment of Waste Multi-Mercury Containing Products

指導教授 : 張添晉


含汞產品經常出現在我們的日常生活中,與我們的生活密切相關,汞汙染為全球性的問題,隨著科技的進步日新月異,人類所產出之廢棄物已近乎超越地球涵容能力;故對於廢含汞產品於清除及處理過程中具有汞逸散之風險,若廢棄後回收或不當之處置將導致重金屬逸散於環境中,可能造成生物體內之累積及環境之衝擊,終致危害人體。 本研究採用美國環保署國家研究委員會(NAS-NRC)建議之風險評估四大步驟,進行勞工健康風險評估質量平衡分析結果顯示,國內廢含汞產品處理廠有4家5廠,並選定其中具代表的廠,以探討較易逸散區域之風險分析,廢含汞產品處理廠內空氣中逸散量、回收處理之汞及其化合物、活性碳吸附量、衍生廢棄物暫存區之汞量分別為0.0018%、40%、0.0004%、29%及31%,佔汞物質平衡總量之0.0018%。且依據風險評估分析結果顯示,量化廢含汞產品處理廠在一般情境之非致癌危害商數(HI)結果均小於1,顯示皆低於非致癌危害商數指標之標準;綜合物質流分析及風險評估結果,廢含汞產品處理廠之作業員於處理作業過程時,佩戴呼吸防護設備之措施可減低作業員之汞暴露量,因此可推論作業員於處理廢含汞產品之作業過程並不會增加汞暴露之風險。 此外,本研究後續以評估各類含汞產品替代物之適用性,以環境面、經濟面、社會面等三大面向考量,及國內外含汞物質相關削減政策與處理方式,以比較台灣汞削減策略及處理方式,將達成國際間逐步淘汰、最終禁用之目標及使命。


Mercury-containing products are widely available and used in our daily lives. With a rapid advancement of technology, human waste has nearly exceeded natural assimilation capacity, leading to mercury pollution becoming a global issue. Risks of mercury spill from waste mercury-containing products may occur during the cleanup and treatment procedures. The improper recycle or treatment of waste materials leads to increased emission of copper metals into the air and possibly causing an accumulation in living organisms and other negative environmental impacts. In the long-term also the human body may be damaged. This research applied the four steps of risk management, follow the recommendation by NAS-NRC to do the Labor Health Risk Assessment mass balance analysis in Taiwan. There are currently four waste mercury-containing products treatment companies and total five plants in Taiwan. A representative plant was selected to test the mercury concentration in air emission in the plant, the amount of mercury and its compounds in the recycling center, amount of activated carbon adsorption, refuse derived waste temporary storage were determined as 0.0018%, 40%, 0.0004%, 29% and 31% respectively, accounting for 0.0018% of the total mercury balance amount. Moreover, the risk assessment analysis shows that the quantified non-carcinogenic hazard index (HI) were all smaller than 1 in waste mercury-containing products treatment plants managed under general circumstance. It complies with non-carcinogenic HI standard. Integrating the results of material flow analysis and risk assessment, this research shows that operators in respiratory protection equipment can decrease their exposure to mercury during treatment procedures. Therefore, it is assumed that mercury-exposed risk on the operators in operation process will not increase. Furthermore, this research assessed the adaptability of mercury-containing products in all categories from environment, economic and social perspectives. Foreign mercury related reduction policies and treatment measurements are compared with those in Taiwan. The desired goal is to first gradually reduce and finally achieve an international prohibition of mercury consumption


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