  • 學位論文


The Green Building Assessment for Operation and Maintenance Stage of Existing Buildings

指導教授 : 林利國


為了緩和都市建築環境日益惡化的問題,近年來各國政府相關執行單位均竭力於將環保的要求放在國家產業之發展政策中,以避免地球的資源急速耗盡,進而使環境與生活之品質日趨惡化;因此,以環保為導向的「綠建築(Green Building)」乃成為政策上最有效的對策之一;我國相關單位乃奉行政院核定實施之「綠建築推動方案」,建構我國「綠建築評估EEWH系統」,以達到融入生態(Ecology)、節能(Energy saving)、減廢(Waste reduction)及健康(Health)四個主軸目標。世界各先進國家之綠建築評估,皆以建築物整體之生命週期為其評估之考量,且經分析建築物於整體生命週期中對環境之衝擊程度,發現規劃設計及建造階段所產生的環境破壞其實僅佔其中之一小部分,畢竟後續於建築物之持續使用維護期間所產生之污染及資源消耗才是建築物造成環境負荷沉重的主要源頭。 本研究透過分析與歸納世界各國知名之綠建築評估體系;包括英國的BREEAM、加拿大的GBTOOL、美國的LEED、日本的CASBEE、及香港HK-BEAM,探討各國針對既有建築物使用維護階段之綠建築評估機制與項目,並與我國之綠建築評估體系比較;由本研究之分析了解我國之綠建築評估體系主要係評估建築物之規劃設計階段是否符合綠建築理念,但卻缺乏各國針對建築物使用維護階段有針對管理與執行層面作完整之評量,以評估既有建築物是否符合綠建築標準。本研究係針對我國既有建築物使用維護階段的「日常節能」及「水資源」之綠建築相關管理、執行與技術等層面做探討及擬定評估項目之雛形,。並經由專家訪談,對評估項目作修正,進而建構出我國既有建築物在使用維護階段有關「日常節能」及「水資源」之綠建築評估機制,以供評估建築物在營運使用與維護階段是否符合綠建築之標準。


In order to reduce the increasing environmental impacts such as resource consumption and pollution from urbanization, which deteriorate living quality, governments all over the world made environmental protection as one of the priority issues along with the developments of their nations. The Taiwanese government established the EEWH (Ecology, Energy saving, Waste reduction, Health) Green Building assessment to make eco-buildings that are eco-friendly, save energy, reduce waste and healthy to live. Some other developed countries, discovered main cause of environmental impacts came from operation and maintenance of the building, evaluate environmental impacts for complete life-cycle of the buildings. The study compares the EEWH assessment with BREEAM, GBTOOL, LEED, CASBEE and HK-BEAM. A comparison table is made for assessments on energy and water use within these six systems According to analysis of these assessment systems the result from EEWH assessment focuses on whether the building achieves the technology and facility requirements of becoming Green Building at plan and construction stage. However, others consider environmental impacts of building life-cycle that covers assessments over management, implementation, technology and facility for achieving Green Building. From the analysis for the six assessment systems of different countries also with the help of expert interview, the study proposed Green Building assessment over energy and water use for operation and maintenance stage of existing buildings to minimize the impact to the earth environment.


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廖富英(2012)。都市更新綠建築容積獎勵制度之研究 ─以台北都會區為例〔碩士論文,國立臺北科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6841/NTUT.2012.00287
