  • 學位論文


Design and Implementation of a Field-Oriented Induction Machine Drive for Mild-Hybrid Vehicle

指導教授 : 黃明熙


本文是在研發皮帶啟動馬達與發電機之驅動裝置,所用之BSG是由高速感應馬達所建構,提供輕混油電複合車所需的輔助動力,針對需求提供馬達與發電機模式。其中馬達模式是提供引擎啟動、整車動力輔助,而發電模式是提供發電、減速之動能回收、高壓電池失效下之自啟動發電。因油電複合動力車之動力輔助性能是取決於高輸出之定轉矩及寬廣定功率區;所以在定轉矩區採用向量控制,但於定功率區常因弱磁導致互感變異而使系統失調,因此加入磁束回授之向量控制來改善輸出轉矩特性。由三相相電壓估算目前磁束所對應之同步框q軸電壓,再以q軸電壓控制器微調磁化電流來維持適當的馬達磁通。另外,加入具直流鏈電壓控制之自啟動發電策略,使油電複合動力車於高壓電池失效下仍能發電並提供足夠的負載擾動抑制能力,以滿足12V用電之需求。 所提之控制策略以TI TMS320F28035微處理器作為控制核心建構實驗平台,以具編碼器之三相感應馬達作為載具來驗證所提方法。


The objective of this paper is to develop a motor drive for a belt starter and generator (BSG). The BSG which is based on high speed induction machine, may fulfil auxiliary power for hybrid vehicle under motoring and generating mode. The proposed BSG provides engine cranking and assisted power under motoring mode and electric power generating, regenerative braking, and self-start generation in failure of high-voltage battery under generating mode. The capability of assisted power for the hybrid vehicle is determined by high constant torque and wide constant power region of the induction machine. Therefore, the proposed BSG is using vector control in constant torque region. Due the detuned effect caused by the variation of mutual inductance yielded by field-weakening control in constant power region, the vector control with flux feedback is adopted to improve the characteristic of output torque. In order to maintain suitable rotor flux in field-weakening region, a q-axis voltage controller which feedback voltage is calculated from three-phase voltage is added to fine tune the magnetized current. Moreover, a self-start generation with DC-link voltage control strategy, which is provided sufficient load disturbance rejection, is added to offer 12V power when the high-voltage battery is failed. All the proposed control strategies are implemented by a DSP TMSF320F28035-based motor drive and verified by three phase induction machine equipped with encoder.


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