  • 學位論文


The Impact of Natural Disasters on Supply Chain Security Management of Industrial Computer Industry in Taiwan

指導教授 : 吳忠敏


天然災害是產業界無法避免的難題,在遭遇時如何因應卻是不得不去面對。工業電腦產業在一片蓬勃發展之際卻面臨全球金融海嘯的侵襲,如今又遭遇天然災害對整個供應鏈的影響,如何在金融海嘯站穩腳步之後來因應天然災害對供應鏈安全管理的影響,變成為產業的重要議題。國際標準組織(ISO)於2007年9月頒布ISO 28000供應鏈安全管理系統規範標準,可以涵蓋各國所訂定相關供應鏈安全標準。也是國際性可認可的標準,企業在建置ISO 28000過程中,可以順利整合以往相關ISO管理系統,發揮管理系統整合能力。 本研究即利用ISO 28000建置工業電腦產業遭遇天然災害時供應鏈安全管理的衡量指標體系,採取德爾菲專家問卷法進行分析。共計採取10位專家進行分析,研究結果摘錄如下: 一、工業電腦產業遭遇天然災害時供應鏈安全管理的衡量指標體系,包括:安全管理基本要求.、安全管理政策制定、安全風險評鑑與規劃、安全管理實施與運作、安全管理檢核與矯正措施及管理階層審查與持續改善。 二、研究結果發現,專家們對於供應鏈安全管理的衡量指標體系已達成相當高的共識,其中以「供應鏈安全管理實施與運作」為最受到重視,其次為「供應鏈安全管理檢核與矯正措施」及「管理階層審查與持續改善」,而「供應鏈安全風險評鑑與規劃」則是重視程度較低。


Natural disasters are unavoidable problem for every industry, but how to respond when it had to face is very important. The industrial computer industry is booming but has to face the global financial tsunami, also affected by the impact of natural disasters the supply chain, in response to natural disasters in the financial tsunami to reduce the impact on supply chain security management by natural disasters become an important issue for the industry. International Standards Organization promulgated ISO 28000 supply chain security management system standards in September 2007, is also an internationally recognized with the national supply chain security standards set. For the inducted ISO 28000 process for business can be smoothly integrated the previous ISO management system with integration capability In this study, was using ISO 28000 to construct the supply chain security management index system for the industrial computer industry in response to natural disasters. Use the Delphi expert survey method to analyze with total 10 experts, the results are summarized as follows: 1. The supply chain security management index system for the industrial computer industry in response to natural disasters., is including: general requirements for safety management, security management policy development, security risk assessment and planning, implementation and operation of safety management, checking and corrective action of safety management and management review and continual improvement. 2. The results found that the experts have reached a very high consensus level for supply chain security management index system which " implementation and operation of safety management " is the most important, followed by" checking and corrective action of safety management” and “management review and continual improvement”, and “security risk assessment and planning” is to take seriously the degree to be low.


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