  • 學位論文


The study on the Marketing Strategy Advantages and Industry Analysis of Taiwan’s and Chinese Frozen Prepared Noodle Foods

指導教授 : 耿慶瑞


台灣地區冷凍調理食品麵食類大多以西式通心粉為主,至於中式冷凍調理麵食加工程序複雜及技術瓶頸的原故,目前尚無商品問市,本文個案公司,係傳統生鮮冷藏麵食加工產業,憑藉著麵食冷凍加工技術創新轉型冷凍調理麵食加工領域。更藉著開發出差異化產品及功能性產品,成功地與傳統生鮮冷藏加工業者區隔出產品定位及市場區隔與品牌建構。 經由產業經營策略問卷剖析中式冷凍調理麵食加工產業面臨著原料端、生產製造端、行銷端各不同構面之困難與瓶頸研究顯示業者須藉著供應鏈措施使用『協同採購機制』,將原物料變動成本風險影響降到最低。將上游原料供應商,中游半成品加工商的資源整合型成原料及半成品不同模組化,降低龐大設備投資風險,同 II 時納入冷凍物流鏈及通路商(金流)系統的整合,降低物流成本及通路行銷成本,提昇通路談判籌碼,增進產品品牌競爭優勢。




Most of Taiwan, frozen food macaroni pasta with Western-oriented, as Chinese frozen pasta processing procedures are complicated and technical bottlenecks exigencies, asked the city currently no product, the paper case company, the Department of traditional fresh refrigerated pasta processing industry, with a pasta technological innovation and transformation frozen processed frozen pasta processing areas. Through the development of products and features to differentiate their products, fresh chilled successfully with traditional processing industry segmentation of market segmentation and product positioning and brand construct. Industrial analysis business strategy via questionnaire Chinese frozen pasta processing industry is facing raw material side, the difficulties and bottlenecks in different facets of the manufacturing end of each study, the marketing end of the display industry supply chain measures required by the use of "collaborative IV procurement mechanism", the original material minimize the impact of changes in the cost of risk. Upstream suppliers of raw materials, semi-finished midstream processor resources integrated into various raw materials and semi-finished modular, reducing the risk of a huge investment in equipment, while incorporating integrated logistics chain and distributor of frozen (cash flow) system, reduce logistics costs and access marketing costs, improve access bargaining power, enhance brand competitiveness.


Frozen food macaroni pasta


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