  • 學位論文


The Study of Watershed Management Strategy for Taipei Water Resources District

指導教授 : 施邦築教授


臺北水源特定區係全國唯一經由「都市計畫法」劃設之水源、水質、水量保護區,面積為717平方公里,流域範圍包含新店溪、北勢溪及南勢溪集水區。其內設有一座翡翠水庫,供應大臺北地區500萬人民生用水,故其水源、水質與水量之安全與潔淨具有相當之重要性。近年來臺灣受全球氣候暖化的影響,降雨時間減少、降雨集中且降雨強度越來越強,致暴雨發生的機率越來越高。而暴雨會造成水庫集水區上游邊坡土石崩落,挾帶大量泥砂進入河川及水庫,減少庫容及降低水庫壽命,並將使原水濁度升高造成水質惡化,嚴重時更將陷入無法供水之危機。 本文係以臺北水源特定區範圍為研究對象,研究方法係蒐集臺北水源特定區相關之環境基本資料以及長期之監測資料,並於水土保持層面考慮土砂、水文及水質等三大問題,分析過程藉由國內外文獻回顧及集水區問題評估指標方法,找出現階段集水區面臨之問題,並進一步提出臺北水源特定區集水區治理策略規劃。經由本研究發現,臺北水源特定區整體集水區之水源涵養能力維持在良好狀態,南、北勢溪流域的問題不同,北勢溪流域主要的問題在於土壤沖蝕;南勢溪流域主要的問題則在坡地崩塌。整體集水區較應著重的問題是極端降雨引起原水濁度瞬間飆高,可能導致影響正常供水之相關緊急應變處理能力。


According the Metropolis Plan Act, the Taipei Water Resources District delimits its reserve area for water Resources, water Quality as well as water volume. This is the only district in Taiwan cover by this Act. The District’s total area is about 717 square kilometers which includes the watershed of Sindian River, Pei-Shi Creek, and Nan-Shi Creek. Meanwhile, the Feitsui Reservoir which supplies over five millions people’s livelihood water usage is located in Pei-Shi Creek. To insure the water resources safe and clean is a very importance mission in Taiwan. In recent years, small rain becomes smaller, when strong rain becomes stronger that probably caused by global warming and climate change. Rainy days are decreased while heavy rain happened more often. Sometimes, heavy or storm rain might cause landslide, mud and debris flow in the upper watershed. When those substances wash into river and flow down into reservoir area, the reservoir effective volume would be reduced and the physical life of it therefore reduced too. Besides, the raising water turbidity deteriorates the water quality as well. In some serious occasion, the water supply system of Taipei would be collapsed. The goal of this study is to find and to solve the coming issues for watershed management for the Taipei Water Resources District. Tactics will be made for each issue in Sindian River, Pei-Shi Creek, and Nan-Shi Creek. It is most welcome for any agency or any individual to quote this study. In the first place, fundamental environment data as well as monitoring records were collected as possible as it can be for this study. Then, three phases in soil-and-water conservation were mainly concerned such as earth granulated substance, hydrology and Water Quality. Literature review for domestic and foreign was already made. Water management assessment index and manners were found in this study. The conclusion is the following: the main problem of the Pei-Shi Creek is soil eroding when the Nan-Shi Creek face landslide problem on the other hand. Those two creeks have different enemy to fight with. In all, the whole watershed needs to find all manners to prevent water turbidity rising caused by extremely heavy rain. In order to keep the water supply system work normally for the grand Taipei area, we need to upgrade our urgent handling capability for all time in the future.


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