  • 學位論文


The Division Rights and Responsibilities of Professional Construction Management for Public Projects

指導教授 : 林利國


國內專業營建管理(PCM)於法源上已有依據,但由已執行的諸多大型營建工程案例中,業主、營建管理顧問與設計監造單位間,仍存在著許多因權責不明確而產生的問題,造成公共工程各單位與專業營建管理人員的困擾及執行上的障礙;故本研究即藉由文獻探討、案例彙整及專家訪談等相關研究方法,針對國內公共工程專業營建管理執行障礙中最容易發生之問題進行研議,並研擬因應的改善策略。 研究之執行過程,首先依據國內外相關文獻及研究回顧現行專業營建管理業務執行的困擾,並配合相關案例的蒐集透過專家的訪談,發現業主及專業營建管理廠商卻大多藉由辦理專業營建管理所累積之經驗,逐步摸索雙方的責任義務,故對於專業營建管廠商該負何種責任一直無法明確釐清;而當業主一旦面臨到品質、成本、進度等工程缺失時,權責劃分不清則成為雙方爭執之焦點。故應加強提升各主辦機關自我評量的能力,即時考察專業營建管理的履約能力,減少工程中各單位對專業營建管理能力的質疑,以降低各單位間的權責糾紛。因此本研究乃提出針對委託專業營建管理廠商失職之懲罰機制,並將研究成果供相關單位於委託專業營建管理時之應用參考,如此便可讓業主在面臨工程缺失時,能夠釐清PCM的責任,以作為是否處分PCM之依據。


Although the Construction Management in Taiwan is legal, there exist many problems because of indefinite among Proprietor、Construction Management Consultant and Desig-Supervise Consultant for most of the major Construction Management cases executed. They disturb and cause the hindrance of execution for those units of Public Engineering and people of Construction Management.The aim of this research is to confer the hindrance of execution and the way to deal with for Construction Management of Public Engineering in Taiwan. The execution course studied, review the current speciality and build and manage the puzzlement that the business carried out according to domestic and international relevant documents and research at first, cooperate with the collection of relevant cases to find the owner and speciality build and manage manufacturers but mostly by handling the experience accumulated in administrative institute of the special project through the expert's interview, However, many disputes exist between owners and their PCM companies due to poor or vague definitions of the PCM companies responsibilities .The disputes are even worse when there are problems in schedule, cost, or quality of the construction projects. Therefore by improving the self-evaluation ability of the government organization and investigating the contract fulfillment ability of the professional construction management can strengthen the trust for the professional construction management and reduce the responsibility disputes. The study proposed a fine penalty clause for the PCM contract for the deficiencies in construction schedule, cost, and quality. Moreover this can help define the division rights and responsibility and can be used as a consultation material for the organizations.


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