  • 學位論文


Evaluation Environmental Friendly Vehicles Reduction and Subsidies Mechanism Benefits-Application Environmental and Health Co-benefits Model

指導教授 : 曾昭衡


近年來交通各空氣污染物排放量逐年攀升,造成生態環境及人體莫大之損害,且隨者全球節能減碳議題高漲及綠色能源蓬勃發展,使得環保車輛在高油價時代下孕育而生,成為21世紀新興之綠色運具,然而環保車輛之研發量產,不僅使得污染物大幅減少甚至具其實質社會效益。惟此,本研究利用「環境健康整合效益模型」量化各環保車輛減少污染排放之健康效益(增加國人平均壽命以及減少每年醫療支出成本),並透過問卷分析消費者對各環保車輛之偏好屬性及願付金額,最後以成本效益分析評估獎勵補貼機制合宜額度及改善建議。 研究結果顯示,電動汽車為四種環保車輛中效益最高者,相較於汽油車可節省民眾醫療支出1,082元/年*輛,增加民眾平均壽命5,786人*日/輛,其次依序為新柴油引擎車1,041元/年*輛、5,631人*日/輛;油電混合車942元/年*輛、5,031人*日/輛以及效益較低之液化石油氣車831元/年*輛、4,730人*日/輛。另此,問卷分析結果顯示,民眾得知液化石油氣車、新柴油引擎車、油電混合車、電動汽車「經濟成本」後相對於汽油車之額外願付金額分別為新台幣20,000、60,000、100,000、100,000元/輛;得知「健康效益」後相對於汽油車之額外願付金額依序為30,000、80,000、125,000以及150,000元/輛,願付金額提高25%至50%,顯示國人對環保及其健康效益越來越重視。 綜合各項減量行動中,民眾使用液化石油氣車成本效益比為7.63,為各環保車輛中最高,其次依序為新柴油引擎車1.01、電動汽車0.33以及油電混合車0.31,因為在所有環保車輛當中,液化石油氣車投資成本為最低,僅需較汽油車多支付5至7萬之改裝費用,因而整體成本效益比為最高。進一步探討成本效益比小於1之油電混合車及電動汽車,假設民眾願付金額皆不變,車商須經由技術提升及大量生產而降低成本分別為387,730、562,440元/輛;政府補貼金額分別為177,270、287,560元/輛,可經由徵加稅收及空污基金作為補貼金額,此時政府補貼之成本效益比始為1,表示具相對回饋之效益。 未來若開徵能源稅後,液化石油氣車可節省4,696元/年*輛之行駛成本,為四種環保車輛最佳,然而汽油車、柴油車、油電混合車須分別增加5,200、3,682、903元/年*輛行駛成本,電動汽車則無變化;另此,開徵能源稅後,液化石油氣車之成本效益比最佳,且各車種於開徵後會較開徵前整體補貼成本效益值皆提高,表示開徵能源稅後亦對社會具有實質之助益。最後,本研究針對政府、車廠、消費者三角度給予最適建議及未來可行方針。


In recent years, the problem of polluted emission from traffic has increased dramatically that cause a huge damage on ecological environment and human body. As the global issue of carbon emission reduction and the concerns of saving energy or green energy rising, the environmental-friendly vehicles have been produced in the time of high oil prices which even become the emerging green transportation in the 21st century. The development of environmental-friendly vehicles not only makes a substantial reduction of pollutants, but also leads to actual benefits to the society. The study, using" Application Model of Environment and Health Co-benefits" quantified the integration of economic and health benefit (including the increase of average life expectancy and the reduction for the annual expenditure of medical treatment. Analyzing consumers preferences and willingness to environmental-friendly vehicles through questionnaires, we evaluate the appropriateness of subsidies funding mechanism according to cost-benefit to provide recommendations for improvement. The results show that the electric vehicle have more benefit than other four types of environmental-friendly vehicles, because it can save the expenditure of medical treatment 1,082 (NT$ / year*vehicle), and help to increase of average life expectancy 5,786 (person*day / vehicle), followed by the new diesel engine vehicle that can save 1,041 dollars and increase 5,631 days; the hybrid vehicle saves 942 dollars and increases 5,031 days; with the least benefit, the liquefied petroleum car save 831 dollars and increase 4,730 days. The questionnaire analysis showed that consumers have more willingness to pay 20,000, 60,000, 100,000, and 100,000 (NT$ / year*vehicle) respectively when they know the” Economic benefit” for LPG, new diesel engine vehicles, hybrid vehicle, and electric vehicles. They have willingness to 30,000, 80,000, 125,000, and 150,000 (NT$ / year*vehicle) respectively when they know the” Health benefit” for LPG, new diesel engine vehicles, hybrid vehicle, electric vehicles. The amount of willing-to-pay has increased by 25% to 50% after knowing the health benefits for each environmental-friendly vehicles than that for knowing the related economic costs; therefore, it shows that people would pay more and more attention to the environmental and health benefits. To discuss these reduction operations, the best cost-benefit ratio is 7.63 for LPG vehicles, followed by 1.01 for new diesel engine vehicles, 0.33 for electric vehicles and 0.31 for hybrid vehicles. The main reason for this result is that LPG vehicles have the lowest investment cost among all environmental-friendly vehicles because people only pay NT$50,000 to NT$70,000 more for the refit expense than that for gasoline vehicles; therefore LPG vehicles have the maxi whole cost-benefit ratio. Further to study the hybrid cars and electric vehicles with less than 1 cost-benefit ratio, it is assuming that the money people are willing to pay for the refit has no change, car merchants subject to the technological improvements and mass production, and lower the costs to NT$387,730, 562,440 per vehicle respectively, amount of government subsidies is NT$177,270, NT$287,560 per vehicle respectively through additional taxes and air pollution fee, and the government subsidy cost-benefit ratio is one at this time which shows the relatively equal to the effectiveness of feedback. After the activation of energy tax in the future, liquefied petroleum gas vehicles can save running cost 4,696 (NT$ / year*vehicle),it is the best among four types of environmental-friendly vehicles. However, gasoline vehicles, diesel vehicles and hybrid vehicles will have increased cost of 5,200, 3,682, 903(NT$ / year*vehicle). This makes no difference to the electric vehicle. Besides, after the activation of energy tax, the liquefied petroleum vehicle is the best for cost-benefit, and all of cost-benefit ratio will increase. Therefore, it shows that the introduction and activation of energy tax will benefit the society in real terms. Finally, this study focuses on three different points of view (the government, car manufacturers, and consumers) to provide the suitable suggestions and the future possible plans.


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