  • 學位論文


A Study of Electromagnetism-like Algorithm and Particle Swarm Optimization for Facilities Layout Problem

指導教授 : 王明展


設施佈置乃是將各部門指派至各個適合的位置,使企業之資源能夠有效的運用。良好的佈置能助於提升生產之效率、提高資訊傳遞之效率、減少搬運之成本以及增加所佈置之面積的使用率;不良的佈置則會降低生產之效率、降低資訊傳遞之效率以及增加搬運之成本。因此,不論是學界或業界,都投入相當多的資源以研究設施佈置問題(Facilities Layout Problem, FLP)。 本研究將發展部門擺放演算法及形狀調整演算法,用以決定部門擺放之方式,接著透過類電磁演算法(Electromagnetism-like Algorithm, EMA)與粒子群演算法(Particle Swarm Optimization, PSO)分別搜尋出較佳的佈置方案,以降低搬運之距離及成本,並與各文獻之結果比較,最後以形狀調整演算法將所有不規則形狀之部門調整至規則之形狀。


Facilities layout is to assign department to the appropriate location. An appropriate layout plan can improve the productivity, improve the efficiency of information delivery, reduce the material handing cost and improve the utilization rate of plant site. Therefore, the academe and the industry all input considerable resources for facilities layout. This research develops placement algorithm and shaping algorithm. The placement algorithm is use to continuously place facility without partition and respectively employ electromagnetism-like algorithm (EMA) and particle swarm algorithm (PSO) to find out the best layout with the minimum material handing cost. Then, compare the results with the references. Finally, employ the shaping algorithm to adjust the shape of each department.


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