  • 學位論文


Environment Friendly Acrylic Pressure-Sensitive Adhesive To Enhance The Yellowing Resistance

指導教授 : 方旭偉


基於市場競爭成本及環保上的考量,在包裝膠帶上,將油性壓克力系統轉換為水性壓克力系統成為壓敏膠工業當急之務;而一般水性壓克力系統也不能稱得上是環保,雖然沒有溶劑,但當膠水排至水中,細菌會將壬基酚聚乙氧基醇(NPEO)分解成壬基酚(NP),且因其結構與荷爾蒙相似,會干擾本身內分泌系統,進而影響生物個體的生長、發育、恆定的維持以及生殖等作用,甚至危及後代的健康;且一般水性系統其耐黃變性及耐水性能,也相當不好,因此本實驗將以環保、耐黃變性及耐水性做主軸,分別探討各變因的關係及尋找最佳配方比例。 本製程所製備的環保型膠水,當單體比丙烯酸丁酯(BA):丙烯酸(AA):丙烯酸-2-羥乙基酯(2HEA)為96:2:2時、溫度在76℃、攪拌速度在每分鐘140轉下、反應時間5小時下可以得到較佳的整體性能,並以此作為基礎配方條件。在基礎配方條件下,分別修改乳化劑、起始劑、還原劑、中和劑、抗氧化劑、消泡劑、流平劑等;藉由改變不同的添加劑,尋找最佳配方。 改變乳化劑的種類,當使用反應型及非反應型乳化劑,相同添加量下,反應型膠水凝聚力有稍加提昇,耐水實驗效果較好,但耐黃變性較差;若非反應型乳化劑的添加量增加,耐水性也會接近反應型乳化劑。改變起始劑種類,相同添加量下,物性方面沒有特別差異,耐黃變性也有輕微的影響;當添加量提高,黏著力(Adhesion,ATS)會上升,凝聚力(Cohesion,COH)鋼板則下降;反之,若添加量減少,黏著力(ATS)會下降,凝聚力(COH)鋼板則上升。改變還原劑,對於耐黃變性無顯著影響,但對於反應後單體氣味有改善,表示反應更完全。改變中和劑,對物性沒有影響,相較於氨水對耐黃變性也有相當的幫助;且也改善一般膠水中氨水的不適味。添加抗氧化劑,對於耐黃變性有相當顯著的幫助。改變消泡劑,對於製膠段放膠時及上膠段塗佈時也有相當的幫助,添加過多會影響到物性。改變流平劑,對於塗佈及乾燥後的膠面也有相當的幫助,添加過多會影響到膠面。添加有架橋效果的單體(如A.A),對於環保型膠水物性控制方面,能有不錯的架橋效果. 本研究綜合以上各點,耐黃變性,主要影響的變因有起始劑、乳化劑、中和劑、抗氧化劑;耐水性,主要影響的變因為乳化劑,且與粒徑大小有關;對於操作性與塗佈性,消泡劑與流平劑對膠水會有幫助。


Replacing solvent base acrylic adhesives by a more environmental friendly water base system for not only market cost competition, but rather more importantly for benign considerations in pressure-sensitive adhesive industry has been prevailing and imperative. Generally water-based acrylic system itself can not be regarded as environmental even though there is no solvent due to the fact of certain ingredients such as Nonylphenol polyethylene glycol ether (NPEO) will decompose to Nonyl Phenol(NP) in which its structure to be similar to human hormones that will interfere with own endocrine system. Eventually the development of individual organisms; constant maintenance and reproductive role; and health of future generations will be affected. Generally, yellowing resistance and water resistance for water base system are also a disadvantageous due to the nature of the composition ingredients itself. In lieu of this, main objective of this thesis will be focused on environmentally friendly; yellowing resistance; and water repellant performance. Also, relationship among all experimental variables will be studied so as to obtain an optimum reaction formula. Adhesive formula prepared by a monomer ratio of n-butyl acrylate(BA): acrylic acid(AA): 2-Ethylhexyl acrylate(2EHA) of 96:2:2; the temperature at 76 ℃; stirring speed of 140 rpm; and under the reaction time of 5 hours can obtain an overall better performance . The basis of formulation conditions were further modified by emulsifier, initiator, reducing agent, neutralizing agent, antioxidant, defoamer, and leveling agent. Using different type of emulsifiers, reactive and non-reactive, to compare adhesive properties and water repellant ability were studied and evaluated. Adhesive force(ATS) and Cohesive force (COH) of each composition using different amount of initiators, reducing agents and oxidation agents were detailed analyzed in this thesis. Antioxidants effect to yellowing resistance was implemented.


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