  • 學位論文


Shear Strength of an Unsaturated Landslide Debris

指導教授 : 魏敏樺


在台灣,由於經濟蓬勃發展,交通便利性提升,興建不少交通建設,造橋鋪路的過程中,難免遇到山坡地的開挖,山坡地的順向坡最怕坡腳露空,即使有了護坡以及擋土牆的措施,有地表水、雨水滲入土壤中或地下水位的改變,使得透水層的水經入滲後堆積於坡腳處,原先非飽和土壤呈現近飽和狀態,降低了土壤剪力強度,隨時可能觸發邊坡破壞。 於 2010 年 4 月 25 日國道三號 3.1 K 處,沒有明顯降雨的當天,發生了大規模的邊坡崩塌事件,造成 4 人不幸罹難。該調查報告指出破壞原因為邊坡岩體節理發達、順向坡地質構造明顯、地下水入滲與季節水位變化等因素。本研究為了瞭解入滲行為對岩屑強度之關係,與其相關工程特性,於國道三號 3.1 K 下邊坡處取得擾動岩屑,進行一系列的實驗室試驗,包括基本物理性質試驗、岩屑水份特性曲線 (SWCC) 以及透過改良式三軸試驗儀,在不同基質吸力下進行常吸力三軸 CD 試驗,為本研究之主軸。從常吸力剪切試驗中獲得岩屑剪力強度參數、延伸破壞包絡面並與剪─入滲試驗進行探討。


The expanding of transportation network because of rapid economic development has resulted in the need to cut and fill through the mountainous area on the island of Taiwan. During rainfall, water infiltrated into the soil and led to the accumulation of water at the toe of the slope. The process causes the shear strength of the unsaturated soil to decrease, which may then trigger the failure of the slope suddenly. On a sunny 25th April, 2010, a major landslide that resulted the death of four passing by drivers occurred at 3.1 km of the No. 3 Expressway. The investigation report indicated some of the causes of the failure, which were the massive development of joints, obvious dip slope geological structure, under-ground water infiltration and seasoning changed of ground water levels. This study aimed at studying the effect of water infiltration on the shear strength of the landslide debris via a series of laboratory tests, including the pressure plate test, constant suction and shearing-infiltration triaxial shearing tests. Their corresponding extended Mohr Coulomb failure envelope was then obtained and compared.


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