  • 學位論文


A Study on Predicted Emission Characterist of VOCs in Indoor Renovation Environment

指導教授 : 邵文政


由於臺灣屬於亞熱帶氣候區,使建材之揮發性有機化合物與甲醛加速逸散,進而影響室內空氣品質危害國人健康。本研究使用全尺寸建材逸散實驗系統及實際空間建材逸散量測結果比對分析,探討推估係數使模擬結果更貼近實際濃度值。由研究結果歸納結論如下: 一、在實際空間之不同裝修部位逸散特性與貢獻程度 地板部位(矽酸鈣板+水性感壓膠+塑膠地磚)甲醛逸散濃度貢獻率為47%,天花板與牆壁部位為53%;地板部位TVOC為27%,天花板與牆壁部位為73%。 二、單一空間之建材揮發性有機化合物逸散特性之探討 由單一空間建材TVOC逸散實驗得知,前階段24小時總逸散速率為後階段25~48小時之三倍。 三、實際空間之建材揮發性有機化合物逸散推估係數之適宜性 推估實際空間甲醛逸散速率的部分,使用一階衰減模式與二階衰減模式分析之MAPE分別為8%、9%,RSD分別為34%、8%;另外再TVOC逸散速率部分,使用一階衰減模式與二階衰減模式分析之MAPE皆為21.12%,RSD皆為9%,後續比對推估總誤差量,發現推估TVOC使用二階衰減模式優於一階衰減模式,得知推估實際空間甲醛與TVOC逸散速率以二階衰減模式較有推估描述能力。 四、室內裝修完工空間建材逸散之健康風險分析 甲醛與苯致癌評估皆超出致癌風險標準,得知建材逸散確實危害健康;非致癌部分,發現甲苯總暴露量為最高,影響室內空氣的暴露危害程度。


Because Taiwan is subtropical, building material's VOCs and formaldehyde always emitted in the air. In this study, Full Scale Chamber and actual measurements of VOCs were used to compare emission characteristics and predictive coefficients. The result would completely verify the accuracy of VOCs emission. The conclusions of this research can be categorized as follows: 1.Emission characteristics and contribution analysis of indoor renovation environment each position. The results show that for formaldehyde concentration, from the floor is 47%, ceilings and walls is 53%. As for TVOC, the floor is 27%, ceilings and walls is 73%. 2.This research delve further into emission characteristics of building materials. The experimental studies show that, the first stage of VOCs emission rate is 3 fold as high as the second stage. 3.To assess suitable VOCs predicting emission model for indoor renovation environment application. The part of formaldehyde predicting model, a MAPE analysis of second-order decay model is more precise than first order decay model, and there's accuracy difference of 1% between them. On other hand, with TVOC predicting model, a MAPE analysis of first order decay model is as precise as second-order decay model. The total error analysis of second-order decay model is more precise than first order decay model, and there's accuracy difference of 1.06E-09 between them. 4.The risk assessment of building material emitted VOCs in interior environment. Formaldehyde and benzene risk beyond range of criteria about cancer risk assessment. The results show that ,building material emission Indeed affect health. On other hand, total average daily dose of toluene is higher than xylene and Ethylbenzene.Thus, IAQ effects of toluene emission concentration in indoor renovation environment.


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54.江哲銘、陳振誠、李俊璋、邵文政、陳瑞鈴、何明錦,健康綠建材與國際ISO 標準接軌在本土氣候特性之應用研究,中華民國建築學會「建築學報62 期技術專刊,2007。
