  • 學位論文


The Study of FST System Selection - Taipei MRT as an Example

指導教授 : 張寬勇


都會區捷運系統因便捷、舒適、班次密集、降低汽機車污染及符合國際節能減碳概念等優勢,無疑的已成為世界各大都會區運輸系統的首選。臺北捷運自85年營運通車以來,普遍受到乘客的支持與肯定,也成為許多縣市交通規劃重要藍圖,然因其興築地點均位處人口住宅高度密集區域,營運階段伴隨而來的噪音振動問題,不可避免的時常為沿線居民所詬病。 臺北捷運興築初期即採用了彈性基鈑無道碴道床軌道以降低軌道振動,它雖可符合環保相關規範,但對於隧道段上方住戶及鄰近敏感地區諸如學校醫院等機關而言,噪音振動仍是個大問題。臺北捷運為消弭接踵而至的陳情抗議聲浪,在評估諸如電聯車改善、地質改良、土建結構設計等多種減振抑噪方案,並考量其經濟效益後,自新莊卅蘆洲線(即新蘆線)起首度興築現今軌道界公認最具有減振抑噪效果的浮動式道床軌道(Floating Slab Track , FST),予以改善噪音振動,並於後續信義線、松山線及環狀線等後續路網規劃施築。 國外浮動式道床軌道經驗約達四十餘載之歷史,然其於本土軌道工程界尚屬一新興道床系統,考量浮動式道床設置需求及普及性日益增加,本研究擇臺北捷運現行之新蘆線橡膠支承墊預鑄短版系統及信義線金屬彈簧支承場鑄長版系統為例,透過AHP層級分析法問卷調查,搜集分析相關單位專家意見,以建立浮動式道床系統選用因子及權重分配,期能為後續路網之浮動式道床系統選用提供參考。


Because of the convenience, comfort and high-frequency transportation of MRT/Metropolitan Area, it's a big help to reduce the pollution of vehicles and reach the goal of International Energy Saving and Carbon Emission Reduction. Therefore, no doubt the System of Metropolitan Area MRT is becoming the first priority to whole world. Since Taipei MRT started its operation in 1996, it’s wildly accepted and affirmed by passengers. MRT has become a part of important transportation network of Taipei City and many cities. However, residents in adjacent areas near the MRT line often complain about the noise and vibration generated from train operation. Taipei MRT already adopted the DF (Direct Fixation,DF) track with elastic base plates at the beginning in order to reduce the track vibration. Although the method meets the requirement of environment protect specification, the noise and vibration are still a problem to ground residents and those nearby hospitals and schools. Thus, in order to reduce the constantly protests, Taipei MRT assessed a lot of strategies such as improvement of EMU, and geology and civil construction and evaluated the economic benefits, and decided to install the most effective FST (Floating Slab Track,FST) in XinLu Line to reduce the noise and vibration. The FST will be adopted to Xinyi and Songshan Line continually. Some foreign countries have experience of FST for more than 40 years. However, FST still is a new system in domestic track work. Nowadays, the necessity of FST allocation is demanded more and more. These studies collects comments and survey reports through experts and take XinLu Line Rubber bearing of short precast plat system and XinYi Line metal Spring bearing of cast-in-place long plate system as examples through Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). Hope it can be a reference for future stage of FST MRT Route.


FST Rubber System Spring System AHP


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