  • 學位論文


Use children Spatial Perspective Planning Urban Neighborhood Park

指導教授 : 蔡仁惠


都市中兒童最易接觸之鄰里公園,應提供可促進兒童發展問題解決、推理、創造、概念化、記憶、分類、象徵化、計畫等認知能力之環境,而開放的自然生態環境具備持續變化的動態特質,能提供豐富的知覺體驗以及發展認知時所需的許多因子,如豐富且生生不息的生態資源、動態的氣候環境、自然材質的各種觸感氣味等。使兒童有更多機會培養創意思考的能力。 然而在都市內的鄰里公園所提供的環境,卻將自然元素與活動空間區分隔離,使得兒童於公園內的活動無法直接接觸自然。因此若能將自然元素導入公園中的活動空間,將可提供兒童更豐富的發展認知所需資源,有效提升兒童的心智發展及創意思維。 本論文以「誘導式結構」為操作方法,針對都市鄰里公園空間應提供兒童成長所需之環境做探討。藉由兒童認知發展、環境與教育、都市鄰里公園等相關議題進行分析整合,歸納出以兒童認知觀點探討之都市鄰里公園空間規劃共17項原則,並整合為知覺訓練、創造力訓練、空間認知以及自然環境塑造四個面向。最後推導出一、「讓想像盡情編織的空白園地」;二、「一座沒有路的公園」;三、「都市環境教育的搖籃」共3項推論,做為未來以兒童認知觀點出發之都市鄰里公園規劃目標參考。


Neighborhood Park which easily accessed by urban children should provide an environment which is advantaged of children’s growth. Plenty sensory experiences and many factors of cognitive development can be provided for natural environment which has constantly changing dynamic qualities, such as prolific incessant ecological resources, dynamic climate, all kinds of tactile impression and flavor of nature material. Make children have more opportunities to train the abilities on their creation and reflection. But the neighborhood park in urban area separates the natural element from the activity space, children can’t touch nature directly when they have activities in the park. Therefore, if nature element could be introduced into the park space, it would provide children more abundant resource which is required for cognitive development, and enhance children’s mental development and creative thinking. This thesis will use “The Heuristic Structure” as the operation to investigate what the necessary environment children should be provided. By the relational topic for children cognitive development, environment and education, and urban neighborhood park, etc. to execute analysis and integration. Then propose 17 principles for urban neighborhood park which is designed by the children’s view. And finally, deducing three inferences to serve as reference for future spatial planning of urban neighborhood park:(1) A garden, let's imagine enjoy weaving. (2) A no road park. (3) The cradle of urban environmental education.


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